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Driver Ferdy Sambo Bharada Sadam was sentenced to relegation for 1 year

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Bharad Sadama former aide and driver of Police Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, received an administrative sanction in the form of a demographic change for 1 year at the session of the National Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP), Monday (9/12).

“Yes, Betul (Bharada Sadam) driver(Ferdy Sambo) “, the head of the Public Relations Division of National Police Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo said in an instant message, as quoted by Antara.

Sadam was tried for alleged ethical violations in the case of Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J).


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The ethical process of Bharada Sadam was conducted behind closed doors. However, the reading of the sentence was broadcast live through the Polri TV portal.

In the trial decision, the head of the ethics committee session, Kombes Pol. Racmat Pamudji, stated that it has been legally and convincingly proven that Bharada Sadam has violated the police code of ethics as regulated in Article 5 paragraph (1) letter b and letter c of the Police Regulations (Perpol) Number 7 of 2022 relating to the Police Ethics Commission and the National Commission of Police Professionals.

For this reason, the National Police Ethics Session Commission imposes sanctions in the form of ethical sanctions, i.e. the act of violating the law is declared a shameful act. Bharada Sadam is also required to apologize verbally to the Police Ethics Commission and in writing to the police leadership.

“Secondly, the administrative penalty for the change is relegation for 1 year,” he said.

In the trial, facts were revealed that relieved Sadam as a suspected violator of cooperation in providing information during the trial.

In this case, due to the alleged actions of the offenders, they underwent special hospitalization (patsus) for 20 days at the Mobile Brigade Command.

On the other hand, the overwhelming fact is that Sadam’s actions have become viral news in the mainstream and online media.

The trial revealed that Sadam had intimidated and snapped archived photos and videos on the cell phones of detik.com and CNN reporters who were being brought back to the private home of former Propam Police Division Chief, Inspector General of Police. Ferdy Sambo on Jalan Saguling II, South Jakarta, causing the news to go viral.

The chairman of the session of the commission said that this act hindered the freedom of the press. For this, Sadam as a member of the police can receive polite understanding.

Bharada Sadam joined the 3rd platoon of the headquarters of the KI Yon D Regiment I Paspelopor Korbrimbob Polri on August 22 along with 23 other Polri members were relocated as enlisted services headquarters (TA Yanma) Polri.

So far, the National Police has conducted an ethics trial against eight members of the National Police over the case of Brigadier J.

Five of them were sanctioned with dishonorable dismissal or (PTDH), namely Inspector General Pol. Ferdy Sambo, Kombes Pol. Agus Nur Patria, Police Commissioner Chuck Putranto, Police Commissioner Baiquni Wibowo and the AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian.

Two people were given 1 year demographic transfer penalties against AKP Dyah Chadrawathi and Bharada Sadam. Meanwhile, AKBP Pujiyarto received a sanction in the form of an apology to the institution and the police leadership.

In addition, there are three members of the National Police associated with serious ethical violations who were involved in obstructing the investigation into the case of Brigadier J (obstruction of justice) who was lined up for an ethics trial, namely the former Karo Paminal Propam Il Brigadier General Pol. Hendra Kurniawan, formerly Wakaden B Ropaminal Divpropam Polri AKBP Arif Rahman Arifin and former Kasubnit I Subdit III Dittipidum Bareskrim Polri AKP Irfan Widyanto.


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