parts of a man’s skullended up pulled by ahighway. we have itlast of this investigation,then we started.>> we interrupt ourschedule for an alertUnivisón 41 news outlet.presenter: at this timeauthorities investigate ashooting involving officersof order, it happened on the bridgejohn f kennedy, high upManhattan, a situation thatleft a wounded cop, untilAllah was Filippo Ferreti, whohe tells us how it happened and howthat’s that wounded officer.Filippo: Good afternoon.a police officerstate is locatedhospitalized this afternoonafter having beenrun over on the robber bridgeKennedy and this afternoon, this isthe vehicle, a suspect in140th street has beenarrested, they can see allbullet marks, and it’slet the state police knowsection of manhattan, delrober kennedy bridge, astate police officermade a stop oftransit, conductor of thisvehicle did not stop andran over the officer, sowhich the officer opened fire.can see various impacts frombullet, the officer who turned outwounded was carried out atransit stop, according tothey were in custody, besidesthere are three officers who areinjured, also fourpeople who suffered injuries,the officer who opened fireis hospitalized withminor injuries, and is foundin the hospital, according to thecop is not in danger,this happened precisely at13:00 on a pretty daythey returned today fromholiday of the day of action ofThank you. the trafficker had seriousconsequences this afternoon, andthey are still being recordedlong lines along the