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Driveless: winter or metabolism?


by Ilse Romahn

(16.02.2021) The winter darkness often leads to a feeling of listlessness; the winter temperatures cause goose bumps. Sometimes, however, it is not the time of year that is behind the symptoms, but physical causes such as hormonal disorders of the thyroid gland or anemia lead to the symptoms.

Blood tests will help make the correct diagnosis.

Metabolism out of balance
The thyroid hormones play an important role in the body’s metabolism. If the organ continues to produce too few hormones, the metabolism only runs on the back burner. This also influences the perception of warmth: the slowed metabolism causes the body temperature to drop, and those affected freeze faster. A blood sample is sufficient to diagnose an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). It is examined in the laboratory for the thyroid hormones TSH, triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4). In the event of illness, drugs help to normalize hormone production again.

Detect anemia in the laboratory and find the cause
Too few red blood cells can also cause symptoms of fatigue. Such anemia usually indicates other health problems. For example, kidney diseases, ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract or infectious diseases can trigger anemia. A blood test in the laboratory shows whether the organism produces enough red blood cells. If anemia is actually present, the cause is to be tracked down. Laboratory tests also help with this. The health of the kidneys can be determined with blood and urine tests; a test for hidden blood in the stool will show if the body is losing blood through the intestines.

For more information, see the IPF leaflet “Thyroid and Anemia”. It can on www.vorsorge-online.de can be downloaded or ordered for free. Further ordering options: IPF shipping service, Postfach 12 44, 63552 Gelnhausen. It is essential to state your title, name and full address.

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