BOLMONG PORTAL – For Indonesian people teh is my favorite drink.
However, a study revealed teh can lead to risk cancer.
Cancer can also be caused by smoking cigarette.
Quoted from from Nypost, one of the teh which is researched yiatu teh herbal.
The herbal tea comes from the leaves and twigs of the ilex paraguariensis plant.
The tea is first dried over a fire. Then the dried leaves are dipped in hot water.
The tea has previously been praised for its various health benefits including boosting the immune system.
However, a number of studies suggest that excessive drinking can increase the risk cancer.
One study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarker and Prevention show that teh can increase the risk of disease.
Someone can be hit cancer lungs, cancer digestion, cancer esophagus, cancer stomach, cancer intestines, cancer pancreas, and cancer heart.