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Drilling for oil Libya paid off our debts.

An expert explains the statements of the Turkish Energy Minister as they exploit the wealth of the Libyan

Last update: Saturday 22 Shawwal 1441 e – June 13, 2020 KSA 15:33 – GMT 12:33
Date of publication: Saturday 22 Shawwal 1441 e – June 13, 2020 KSA 11:40 – GMT 08:40

Source: Arab.Net

I think a report published by the agency Demir Orhan Hubble Heritage that the interest of Turkish military in Libya’s return to the situation of the country to fuel and pay off the debts of the Libyans to Turkey.

Quotes the agency’s assessment of the professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and management at the University of Aden in Istanbul, Ahmet lady she is, and to the statements of the minister of energy and Natural Resources light without Durmaz, from the start of exploration activities in Libya within three to four months under the agreement signed between the two sides.

The professor said the translation the statements of the minister of energy in his country, considered the initiative very important, where we must exclude Turkey from Libya in the economic field also, as is the case in the military, diplomatic, explaining that they would be economic relations with this initiative.

Added as: “before the unrest, Libya was producing 1.6 million barrels of oil a high-quality, easy of daily processing with a high percentage of sulfur”.

And that “80% of the oil produced is exported to the European market, which made Libya an important forum for people in the north of Africa, as they cover 3% of global oil production, which owns the largest oil reserves on the African continent”.

He stated that Libya produces of this reserve is approximately 4, a thousand each year.

He said that the “conflict has led to lower oil production and exports especially in the context of lower global demand on oil by outbreaks of MERS-CoV Covid-19, which led to the decline in oil revenues in Libya”.

Professor, Faculty of Economic Sciences and management at the University of Aden in Istanbul, Ahmed ladies as

Explained the professor as to the direction of the conflict in Libya is clear, and is a member of a major producer inside OPEC, will return to the world oil market.

This can be Libya of violation of the decisions of OPEC to agree on production similar to the case of the oil market at the beginning of 2020.

He stated that the Turkish Petroleum company TPAO, which increase the investment to $ 180 million in Libya, had begun prospecting for oil in the early 2000’s.

He said that the “company TPAO, which found oil in the depths of the desert, ceased operations in 2014 before you start operating”.

And company TPAO to start working through the development of joint projects for energy with Libya in the area that allow a meniscus of oil, including the Sirte and Murzuq.

Will provide processing facilities oil and Gas New great job opportunities in Libya for the Turks.

According to as “not only contributions to these projects in the Mediterranean Sea on the protection of the rights of the geopolitical, such as the protection of economic rights of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, but will also meet a large part of the needs of Turkey’s oil”.

He stated that the activities of the oil exploration will be in the special economic zone agreement signed between Turkey and Libya, where he will take the company TPAO license for oil exploration in Libya.

Oil installations LibyaOil installations Libya

He said “You will find my work of exploration in that region. Turkey, which has developed recently in the work of oil exploration and drilling in the eastern Mediterranean especially, the transfer of its capacity to that region in Libya”.

A new era begins

Referred is to that a new stage has begun, determine the developments in the eastern Mediterranean, this “means moving to a peaceful environment, and complete some of the work of the constitutional and diplomatic initiatives of the international”.

He predicted that “reflected all of these developments on the economy, too”, stressing that Turkey is moving “to revive several projects in the economic as in the military and diplomatic, in order to use Libya’s resources-rich natural gas, for that the request of TPAO is very important”.

He explained that Turkey’s legitimate to get in Libya, because the economic relations Turkish-Libyan back to the very distant past.

He said :”We have historical ties with Libya and cooperation with Libya through the process of military goods in Cyprus in 1974, has been very valuable in the circumstances of that period. We have also provided contracting services between 1974 and 2018, and we have some of the benefits that we get out of here”.

Signs in favor of Turkey

He added that “Turkey’s relations with Libya, a very old and deep, and to support Turkey’s diplomatic, military, and government now moves in the economic sphere during the internal conflict in Libya. In this sense, this convention is an important opportunity and extremely valuable”.

He stressed that Turkey will take root in the Middle East, where he said: “will Libya’s past debts to Turkey. We will give a contribution to the Libya for the Libyan people through the processes of exploration, extraction and operation of common resources”.

He added that “foreigners are running Libya, a country which owns the highest oil reserves in the African continent. And the host of this exploration will give economic relations a step in favor of our country.”

And from the Milan trade balance with Libya for Turkey, stressing that the initiative of oil exploration would be “impressive in overcoming the issue of cracking down on Turkey in the eastern Mediterranean region in the geopolitical and diplomatic”.

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