Following our analysis of the dangers associated with the use of social networks and their negative impact on Moroccan society, we are looking today at a report published in recent days on the use of social networks in Morocco. This document tells us that one in three women has been confronted with sexual harassment online. 4.3% of men have suffered a similar form of virtual aggression. This is a report produced by the Moroccan Citizenship Center (CMC). It lifts the veil on the ordeal of hundreds of thousands of Moroccan women and girls who are paying the price for this permissiveness that characterizes social networks. The report also tells us that 94.6% of Moroccans surveyed call for uncompromising laws to deal with the excesses and other crimes committed through the web and which cause harm causing serious moral and psychological damage. The most common forms of harassment reported by participants were insults and defamation, which came first with 32.7%. This was followed by hate speech (27.5%) and hacking of personal accounts (19.7%).
The report also reveals that 8.0% of respondents have experienced online sexual harassment, with a large number of minors targeted by sexual predators who operate with impunity on social networks.
The report also tells us that the most dangerous social platforms in terms of sexual and moral harassment are: TikTok with 95.8%. The participants in this report denounce its negative impact on society and young people. Next come Snapchat (52.3%), Instagram (50.3%), Facebook (39.7%), YouTube (31.6%), Telegram (9.8%), Twitter (8.4%) and LinkedIn (5.0%). Faced with such numerical realities, it should be noted that 81.3% of participants want the blocking of social networks that are harmful to society and young people. 87.7% also approve of the blocking of pornographic websites. 94.6% of respondents believe that Moroccan families are unable to protect their children from online dangers. Hence the importance of knowing your rights in order to react and protect yourself from these dangers circulating on the web. Anyone who is a victim of moral or sexual harassment on social networks can file a complaint with the courts and will be successful.
The mistake made by millions of people is to keep quiet and act as if nothing happened. On the contrary, the laws are there to protect citizens and especially minors from all those who use social networks to cause harm to others.
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