Home » today » Business » Dries Mosch denounces sale of Hoek van Holland recreation resort: ‘Schofteriger is not possible’

Dries Mosch denounces sale of Hoek van Holland recreation resort: ‘Schofteriger is not possible’

“I’m really moved by what’s going on here. It’s insane.” That says Dries Mosch, former municipal councilor for Liveable Rotterdam, about the plans of the municipality to sell the recreation resort Hoek van Holland.

From the moment the news became known, Mosch’s phone started ringing. “I just spoke to a lady who puts all her savings aside to stay there every summer.” Am I getting screwed up? “She wondered. Well, I said, we will try to prevent that.”

‘Not the best landlord’

According to Rotterdam alderman Kurvers, the sale of the recreation park is necessary to modernize it. Commercial operators can do that much better than the municipality, he says.

“The municipality is indeed not the best landlord”, Mosch scoffs. “The park has a lot of overdue maintenance. The canteen once caught fire. It is now neatly in place. But otherwise it is bad.”

The sale of the park has met with fierce resistance in the past, from both residents and councilors. Liveable Rotterdam then, together with the SP and the PvdA, tried to get people to buy the lots themselves, Mosch recalls.

“We had seventy percent support for that. But then alderman Bolsius wiped it out. And now there are again a few large ‘project boys’ in Hoek van Holland, who saw it at the municipality. And yes, they are on the Coolsingel. sensitive to money. Because they are quite short of that in that cabinet of fools. ”

Most beautiful camp in the whole of the Netherlands

Mosch remains a convinced supporter of the ‘old’ plan of Livable, among others. That would allay the turmoil on the resort and no one would have to leave the hundred-year-old park, with which the tenants often have a deep emotional bond. “Give people the plots under their own management and oblige them to invest well. Set up a good Owners’ Association and you will make it the most beautiful camp in the Netherlands.”

Regardless of the sales plans, Mosch denounces the moment when Kurvers comes up with it. “Just after the season. You can’t make it more bastard for those people.”

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