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Drew Barrymore wrote a love poem to Earth

actress Drew Barrymore (45, “E.T.”) has one Love poem written to earth. In this, she compares humanity’s relationship to earth with a longstanding marriage. “What if you came home one day after being married for many years and your wife says she is unhappy?” Begins Barrymore her text that she posted on her Wednesday Blog posted.

“You don’t go back to the agenda again,” she continues. She appeals to change something and at the end of the text dissolves her analogy. “Your wife’s name is mother Earth. And it’s worth it! It is not a sure thing. But if you take care of her, she’ll love you too. And you can live realistically until the end of your days. “

On their Blog, who bears her name, writes the actress on topics that concern her. The first post went online on April 11th. “Life as we know it goes into hibernation. Then … new things blossom. The reinvention of our daily routine can actually create space for new creations,” she wrote in an introductory text about the restrictions imposed by the Corona pandemic.

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