▲ Drew Barrymore.
AFP file photo
▲ Ryan Keira Armstrong.
AFP file photo
Hollywood star Drew Barrymore (47) accused the organizers of the Golden Raspberry Awards of “bullying” a younger actor, BBC reported on the 27th (local time).
Created to ridicule and parody the Academy Awards, the Regis Awards met with severe backlash after naming ‘Firestarter’ star Ryan Keira Armstrong, 12, for worst actress of the year. Barrymore, who was also a child actor, had a relationship with this work in 1984, when Stephen King’s original novel was first made into a film, playing the role Armstrong played at the age of nine, so his criticism seems to be particularly special.
Barrymore appeared on CBS’s ‘Talk of the Table’ on the 26th and said, ‘No one knows what will happen if you talk about children.’
Regis organizers apologized and said they would set an age limit that would not include anyone under the age of 18. After apologizing on the 25th, John Wilson, co-founder of the award, said, “Sometimes you do something without thinking, only to be pointed out later and realize your mistake. The Razis statue was created for the same reason. As a result, we will remove Armstrong’s name from the shortlist voted on by our members next month. We also believe our official apology is directed to Armstrong and we would like to express our regret for the hurt you have experienced because of our choices.”
The Regis Award, which calls itself “the Oscar’s ugly cousin,” announces the winners the day before the actual Oscar ceremony. Controversy like this is nothing new and has long surprised actors, directors and fans alike.
As a child actor, Barrymore has appeared in numerous productions, including ‘ET’ and ‘Irreconcilable Differences’. He also invited Armstrong to his eponymous ‘Drew Barrymore Show’ and praised Armstrong, saying, “You couldn’t be more lovable.”
Barrymore said in Talk of the Table, “Armstrong is younger, so it’s not good. We have to be careful when we talk to people or talk about people. Because it can make other people do it. I’m glad people don’t jump in like, ‘Let’s just make fun of her,’ instead of saying, ‘This isn’t right.’”
Senior Reporter Lim Byung-seon