With farewell trips: Dresden’s Tatra trams are retiring
The day has now been fixed when the Dresden Tatra trams will be retired. In addition, they are once again on the road with passengers.
2 Min.
At the end of the 1980s there was still a tram terminus in Johannstadt, these two Tatras stop right there. The end point no longer exists and soon neither will the railways.
© PR/DVB/Archiv
Dresden. The Tram Museum page only says “Sonderfahrttag”. Historical vehicles are used. There is still nothing to be found on the Dresden Transport Authority (DVB) website. And yet June 3rd will be a very special tram day in the city. “End of the line” is the headline on an announcement that has now surfaced.
Those responsible for the tram museum have hung them in a display case. “The Tatras are saying goodbye, an era is coming to an end” reads the yellow poster. It announces a special day on which all the Dresden Tatra trams that are currently still licensed for regular service are to run again. According to the DVB, there are six railcars and five sidecars.
They are all on the road again on June 3rd and will be presented for photos one last time. At 2 p.m. they stand in a row at the tram museum in Trachenberge.
Ride the Tatras all day for eight euros
Rallyes are then planned from Postplatz from 4 p.m., with the trains taking about an hour to get there. Last departure: 10 p.m. The trip costs three euros for an adult, for eight euros you can drive all day. The tram museum also offers reduced prices and family tickets.
After that it’s really over. The yellow Czech trams will no longer be in regular service and will be replaced by new trams. Although many fans of the old trains are in favor of selling them, the transport companies are not planning to do so. The trams will probably be scrapped, or at least spare parts will be removed. Because there are still Tatra trams in Dresden, just not in regular service – the children’s tram Lottchen and a converted tram that grinds rails, “greases” overhead lines and can push a snow plow.
This date at the beginning of June marks the end of a 56-year tram history in Dresden. The transport company had more than 800 Tatra railcars and sidecars in the GDR era. Painted red and beige and with plastic bucket seats, they shaped the image of the city for many years. After reunification, many were refurbished, got upholstered fabric seats, new technology and were finally painted yellow and used for the DVB for a long time.
2023-05-08 15:41:47
#farewell #trips #Dresdens #Tatra #trams #retiring