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Dresden: After a fatal bike accident: Great mourning for 61-year-old educator


After a fatal bicycle accident: Great mourning for the 61-year-old teacher

After a teacher was run over by a truck on Friday morning, the grief in Dresden Neustadt is great. The ADFC has important information.

Dresden – “Thank you very much for everything” and “we fermise you and your laugh” is written above a children’s drawing near the Scene of the accident hangs and shows the sacrifice as an angel.

The rescue work lasted until noon. © Roland Halkasch

The shock is still deep not only in Dresden Neustadt: there, on Friday morning, an educator was killed by a truck.

She was on the way towards Waldschlößchenbrücke when the Mercedes truck (driver 54) with a trailer loaded with crane parts turned right from Weintraubenstrasse onto Bautzner.

He caught the woman. She got trapped under the tractor. All attempts at resuscitation failed.

The fire Department had to lift the truck to retrieve the body.

Edwin Seifert (48) from the ADFC explains what should work better in traffic.

Edwin Seifert (48) from the ADFC explains what should work better in traffic. © Thomas Türpe

Trucks are involved in most fatal bicycle accidents, confirms Edwin Seifert (48) from the ADFC Dresden bicycle club. “A guide would have helped here,” he says. This is a passenger in the truck who gets out when turning and maneuvering and assists the driver.

Red marking the cycle path would also have been helpful. Seifert also considers it important that it is regulated at the federal level that municipalities are given the right to create zones that trucks are not allowed to enter without a guide or a technical assistance system.

At the last city council meeting in particular, traffic expert Veit Böhm (55, CDU) addressed the issue of turning assistants for buses and trucks. This no longer helps the deceased. Maybe another ghost bike (number 15) will be set up soon.

“First of all, we give the family time to decide,” says Evelyn Bär (40) from the Ghostbikes team.

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