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Drenthe allows carbide shooting under certain conditions

In Drenthe, carbide may be fired at the turn of the next year, but under strict conditions. The mayors of Drenthe have decided in consultation with the security region that a maximum of four people may be present. Public is not allowed.

There should also be no entertainment in the form of a party tent or beer tap during carbide shooting, reports RTV Drenthe. “It will be very different from what people saw as a kind of folk festival in other years,” says Marco Out chairman of the Drenthe Safety Region. “It is possible, but really in a very stripped-down way.”

According to Out, a ban is not necessary. “I think carbide shooting can be done in a small context. Besides, I hear that many carbide groups don’t want to celebrate it at all in this stripped-down way, so I think there will be a lot less shooting.”

Carbide shooting is a tradition in many places in Drenthe. After it became known that a fireworks ban will be introduced, its popularity also increased in other parts of the country.

That forced municipalities to declare a ban, including The Hague, Dordrecht and many Brabant municipalities. There will be no national ban, it was announced on Monday.

This fireworks enthusiast from The Hague took a ‘carbide shooting lesson’ in Gelderland last weekend and was quite impressed:

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