A work that reflects a profound analysis of our social reality and of the action of Caritas in it, which is enlightened and guided by Francisco’s social doctrine and motivates us to a commitment to transformative action founded on the principles and criteria of action that Fratelli tutti proposes to us.
Part of the reality of our action deeply analyzed in its potential and shortcomings in the light of Francis’ social doctrine and which leads us to a transforming action at the service of that great dream which is “universal fraternity” and “social friendship”.
Vicente Martín shows in this title his depth as a theologian and his spirit as a pastor by presenting in an accessible way the great keys of the social doctrine that Francis offers us and the practical implications that this doctrine demands today in our social commitment.
A book to discover, from different perspectives, the anthropological, theological, economic, political and social horizon of Francis’ call.
- Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Preface
- Introduction: “starting over from the last” (FT 235)
- 1. Call to fraternal love in its universal dimension
- 2. An encyclical for dialogue and commitment
- Chapter I: In a Wounded World.
- 1. In a wounded world
1.1. The many forms of injustice
1.2. The scourge of the pandemic
1.3. open paths of hope
1.4. Questions for personal reflection and dialogue
in a group.
- 1. In a wounded world
- Chapter II: The Good Samaritan, walking icon
towards brotherhood- 2. The Good Samaritan, a walking icon
towards brotherhood
2.1. History repeats itself. parable news
2.2. Christian interpellations of the parable.
23. Looking at the model of the Good Samaritan.
2.4. Questions for personal reflection and group dialogue.
- 2. The Good Samaritan, a walking icon
- Chapter III: Pastoral keys for charitable action
And social.- 3. Pastoral keys for charitable and social action
3.1. Looking from the periphery
3.1.1. “God doesn’t look with his eyes, God looks with his heart”
3.1.2. “True wisdom presupposes an encounter with
reality” (FT 47)
3.1.3. Questions for personal reflection and dialogue in
3.2. The recognition of the dignity of each person and of his own
3.2.1. The dignity of every person and his rights
3.2.2. Caritas at the service of human dignity.
3.2.3. Questions for personal reflection and dialogue in
3.3. Seeks human advancement through decent work
3.3.1. A dignified life through work (FT 162
3.3.2. The commitment of Caritas in the work
3.3.3. Questions for personal reflection and dialogue in
3.4. Political charity, engine of the common good
3.4.1. Political and transformative charity
3.4.2. The preferred option for the latter
3.4.3. The vocation of citizens in search of the good
3.4.4. Questions for personal reflection and dialogue in
3.5. Responsibility in the face of fragility: solidarity, care
and subsidiarity
3.5.1. Fraternity goes hand in hand with solidarity
3.5.2. Taking care of the most fragile.
3.5.3. Subsidiarity and participation of the poorest.
3.5.4. Questions for personal reflection and dialogue in
3.6. Let’s build the culture of encounter together
3.6.1 The need for encounter in a world of
disagreements and breakups.
3.6.2. The God of the Trinity, model for a culture
of the meeting
3.6.3. A cosmopolitan and rooted identity
3.6.4. Respond to the challenges of human mobility.
welcoming communities
3.6.5. Questions for personal reflection and dialogue in
3.7. Putting goods at the service of integral human development. 119
3.7.1. The universal destination of goods
3.7.2. Promote the Christian communication of goods, a sign of
fraternal sharing of the ecclesial community
3.7.3. Questions for personal reflection and dialogue in
3.8. Orient international cooperation in terms of
3.8.1. Cooperation in a pandemic context.
3.8.2. The universal dimension of charity
3.8.3. Some challenges in fraternal cooperation
3.8.4. Questions for personal reflection and dialogue in
3.9. The care of the common home.
3.9.1. Care for creation is inseparable from
3.9.2. Integral ecology as a new paradigm of
3.9.3. A more ecological approach in caritas
3.9.4. Questions for personal reflection and dialogue in
3.10 Strengthen the Christian community as a sign and tool
of universal brotherhood.
3.10.1. Fraternal and outgoing community
3.10.2. Encourage community charitable service
3.10.3. Promote the fraternal and supportive social fabric
3.10.4. Questions for personal reflection and dialogue in
3.11. Cultivate the mystique of brotherhood
3.11.1 The spirituality that supports the dream of fraternity
3.11.2. A fraternal mystic and Samaritan.
3.11.3. Questions for personal reflection e
group dialogue
- 3. Pastoral keys for charitable and social action
- Epilogue
- Caritas and the dream of universal brotherhood.
- Show. Prayers to conclude the personal reflection
and group- 1. Together in your search
- 2. Prayer for fraternity.
- 3. “Where is your brother?”
- 4. Prayer for human rights
- 5. Say community
- 6. Prayer for a fraternal community
- 7. Prayer to the Creator.
- 8. Ecumenical Christian prayer.
- 9. When the storm passes…
- 10. Gathered in your name to grow as brothers
- 11. We want to discover you, Lord.
- 12. A community is
- 13. We live united to Jesus