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Dream day in Marka

With both glorious sunshine and good skiing, the stage was set for a dream day in Oslomarka on Saturday. In the coming week, we will see much of the same, according to the Meteorological Institute.

Ailsa Crowe and Leanda Rathmell moved to Oslo for nine and 18 months ago. They are satisfied with this year’s winter.

On Saturday, several of the most important ingredients for a good winter’s day are in place at Frognerseteren in Oslo: Good skiing conditions after snowfall on Thursday and Friday, brilliant sun and blue skies.

Ailsa Crowe and Leanda Rathmell are sitting outside the Frognerseteren café enjoying the winter sun.

Crowe is Scottish and has lived in Norway for nine months. She brags about the winter we’ve had.

– In Scotland you don’t get cold and sunny days like this. You get a real winter here, she says.

Stina Larsson, Greta Karlsson, Annevi Karlsson, Svea Karlsson, Eida Karlsson, Emelia Karlsson, Bjørn Larsson and Emma Larsson at the top of the Korketrekker.

The Swedes are also satisfied with the conditions in Nordmarka this Saturday.

At the top of Korketrekkeren, three families from Vänersborg are getting ready to go down on sledges. They are in Oslo in connection with the bandy WC for girls 17 at Ullevål.

– This is beautiful. Yesterday it wasn’t good, but today it’s fantastic, says Annevi.

They are satisfied with the almost three kilometer long toboggan run.

– We don’t have such long slopes. That’s what’s fun here, says Annevi.

– It’s going to go quickly, I’m afraid, she laughs.

Ola Fadnes skis one and a half miles on this winter’s day.

Skiing: – Nine out of ten

Ola Fadnes is one of many skiers on their way past Frognerseteren this Saturday.

– I’m retired, so I try to go on weekdays. Today I was early to leave before everyone else arrived. Now there is a queue inside, he says.

– It is very nice that so many people use Marka.

And the skiing is almost perfect, according to Fadnes.

– There are incredibly good conditions today. Nine out of ten, he says.

Many skiers at Frognerseteren on Monday morning. Ola Fadnes in the background.

Continues to the week

Meteorologist on duty at the Meteorological Institute, Per Egil Haga, reports that the fine weather will continue on Sunday.

– There will perhaps be a little more cloud, but the snow conditions will not change.

Also in the coming week, the skiing will probably hold, says Haga.

– There are signs that there will be much of the same. We may get a few degrees of heat during the day, but it will be minus at night. So the snow conditions will change little, he says.

Yr.no reports fine weather in the coming week. Skiing will also hold up well, says the Meteorological Institute.

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