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“DRC Representative to the UN in New York Advocates for Persistent Pressure on Rwanda until Total Surrender of M23”

The permanent representative of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja, on Wednesday March 29 asked the members of the Security Council to continue the multiform bilateral and multilateral pressures on Rwanda until the complete surrender of the M23 and the total withdrawal of the Rwandan RDF troops from Congolese territory which they attacked.

He declared it in New York, during the presentation before the Security Council of the Report of the Secretary General on the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“For the M23 Movement, which is so easily confused with the Rwandan army, even if we observe some withdrawal movements, we want to draw the attention of this august Security Council to the number of ceasefires already violated. That says it all about the versatility of this movement and its well-identified sponsor. The vigilance of the Security Council must be in order. The multifaceted bilateral and multilateral pressures must not stop until the complete surrender of this movement and the total withdrawal of the Rwandan RDF troops from the Congolese territory which they have attacked”, pleaded Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja.

He recalls that MONUSCO remains an important partner of the DRC and pleads for its readjustment.

“My government is currently engaged in a constructive dialogue with MONUSCO to redefine the transition plan. The DRC’s vision of its future partnership with MONUSCO will involve revisiting this plan and adjusting it. I ask to really take into account the deep and relevant concerns of my government contained in the memorandum of March 10, 2023 that the Congolese government offered to the members of the Security Council during their visit to Kinshasa”, added Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja.

“The DRC as a host country further suggests a transformation of MONUSCO into a support force for the FARDC. My government is asking in this context for the reactivation of the FIB”, launched Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja.

He reiterated the government’s desire for credible, transparent and inclusive elections.

“Regarding the security situation in eastern DRC, it remains dominated by the activism of terrorists from the ADF, CODECO and the M23 close to Rwanda. The massacres that these negative groups perpetuate on a daily basis against the women, young people and children of the DRC must stop,” said Permanent Representative of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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