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DRC: Jean-Pierre Bemba expresses “his admiration and gratitude” for the work of teachers

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On behalf of the Mouvement de Liberation du Congo (MLC) and in his own name, the President of this political party expresses his warm thanks and support to all active and passive actors in education.

Speaking on the sidelines of the National Teaching Day celebrated in the DRC every April 30, Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo expressed his tributes to the teaching staff.

– Publicity-

“I join my voice to that of the Federations of Teaching Unions, to pay tribute to the teachers who, with commitment and professionalism, are on the front line of education in these exceptional circumstances facing the whole world in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, ”the MLC Chairman wrote in a statement to Politico.cd.

“Education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility. Investing in education enhances human capital and promotes economic growth. Education is therefore the foundation and the engine of development ”, notes the leader of the MLC.

And to continue: “Our country must therefore place at the center of its priorities, the major challenges related to the education sector such as free education, the construction of schools and other infrastructures, the capacity building of teaching staff and their salaries, the equitable access of girls and boys to education, the adaptation of our education system to modern standards, as well as the corruption which plagues this sector ”.

Declaring his admiration and gratitude for the work of the White Chalk Knights, Jean-Pierre Bemba ended his message by wishing “an excellent teaching feast” to the teaching staff.

Junior Ngandu

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