Home » today » News » Drammen, Bragernes | Several in custody: – Do not know what is so difficult to understand, I.

Drammen, Bragernes | Several in custody: – Do not know what is so difficult to understand, I.

DRAMMEN: The operations manager in the Southeast police district, Øystein Eikedalen, says that there has been little to report from the Drammen region on the last night. However, they have had to respond to some incidents, and the same for all of them was that there were people who could not behave.

  • At 01.50, the police moved out to the center of Drammen, where a man in his 20s from Asker municipality was expelled from the center. The person in question broke the order from the police when he entered a nightclub, and was taken into custody for this.

– He gets a fine of several thousand kroner before he gets out of here, says Eikedalen.

  • At 02.15, the police moved out to another nightclub, where a man in his 20s from the same place in Asker as the incident at 01.50, was arguing. The man was expelled, but chose the same solution as the others.

– I expect that he will receive the same fine as the others. I do not know what is so difficult to understand, I, says Eikedalen about the two disturbances.

– Drunk and quarrelsome

A total of three people are in custody on Sunday morning. Late Saturday night, a Finnmarker in his 20s was also brought in from Vikersund.

– It is a completely identical situation as the other two here. Violation of order and drunk and quarrelsome.

Another person also risked being arrested in Drammen last night.

– It was a man in his 20s from Drammen who did not follow the police order. He was reported, also for insulting the police, but we did not bring him in.

According to Eikedalen, they notice that society has opened up more.

– It has been fine last night, but it is noticeable that the normal state is back so commissioned. There has been a certain change, Eikedalen concludes.

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