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Dramatic, Hundreds of Police Raiding Narcotics Village in Palembang, Allegedly Backed by Unscrupulous People

KOMPAS.com – Hundreds Police raided Tangga Buntung Village on Jalan M Kadir, Ilir Barat (IB) II District Palembang, South Sumatra, Sunday (11/4/2021).

According to the Head of the Palembang Police Drug Research Unit AKBP Andi Supriadi, the village is known as drug den and is suspected of having a lot of backing from the security apparatus.

“Lucky Stairs, this is a narcotics village that cannot be touched. Many people are supporting them,” said Andi, Sunday (11/4/2021). TribunSumsel.com.

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Dare to fight officers

KOMPAS.com/AJI YK PUTRA The joint operation was carried out by the ranks of the South Sumatra Regional Police and the Palembang Police by raiding a drug village on Jalan M Kadir, Ilir Barat (IB) II Palembang District. From the grazing, as many as 65 people were secured as well as evidence in the form of 1.5 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine.-

As expected, the raid, which was carried out at 9:15 a.m., was met with resistance from a number of unscrupulous residents.

Then, when there was chaos due to resistance, a number of drug dealers and users were used to escape.

“The firecrackers were fired at us because the perpetrators were about to run away,” he said.

However, Palembang Polrestabes officers were no less agile. As a result, 65 were arrested at four points, namely Lorong Manggis, Check Latah, Lorong Segayam, and Lorong Masjid which were still in the Jalan M Kadir area.

Also read: Police Raided on Narcotics Village in Palembang, Officers Showered with Firecrackers, 65 People Arrested, This is the Chronology

The big city was captured

photo" data-photolink="http://regional.kompas.com/image/2021/04/12/124345378/dramatis-ratusan-polisi-gerebek-kampung-narkoba-di-palembang-diduga?page=3" style="max-width: 100%;width:780px">Illustration of arrest of suspected terrorist.COMPASS/LUCKY FRANCE Illustration of arrest of suspected terrorist.-

According to Andi, during the raid, one of the big bookies with the initials HJ was successfully arrested

“HJ is the wife of a big city, our husband has already set the DPO. When we raided HJ’s house, this crystal meth was found on the ceiling of the house. There are 1.5 kilograms,” he continued.

Also read: Narcotics Village Raid, 7 Residents Desperate to Jump into the Musi River

Apart from 65 people suspected of being dealers and users, the police secured 1.5 kg of crystal methamphetamine, 8 sharp weapons, 42 firecrackers, 41 bongs, and 1 bottle of para vinegar.

Then there are 5 digital scales, 2 HT, 33 cellphones, 1 CCTV decoder unit, 73 lighters, 109 pears, and 2 CRV cars.

(Palembang Contributor Author, Aji YK Putra | Editor Aprillia Ika) /TribunSumsel.com

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