Home » today » News » Dramatic changes in Bulgaria. Expert with a warning – 2024-08-05 09:23:56

Dramatic changes in Bulgaria. Expert with a warning – 2024-08-05 09:23:56

Heat waves cause the death of an average of over 175 thousand people a year in Europe, i.e. the population “pays a high price”. The position is that of the WHO. The Old Continent is one of the fastest warming regions. Temperatures are rising twice as fast as the global average.

“In the long term, this warming does not bring anything positive. Heat waves are known to be the deadliest extreme phenomenon. It will certainly continue, and there are several scenarios – with lower air emissions, the warming will not be as great, but with higher temperatures, it will be much higher. For Bulgaria, the changes could be quite dramatic. In our country, a maximum temperature of over 32° is understood,” said Nikolay Petkov, an expert from the Ecological Association “For the Earth”.

According to him, in the last decade exactly such temperatures are felt more and more often.

“There have been such temperatures before, but the frequency is increasing. For our country, with the highest emissions, summer temperatures will rise by 7 degrees. We are talking about 60 years from now. And analogies can be made with cities from the RSM and Northern Greece. In a more moderate scenario, they won’t be that big,” added Petkov for Bulgaria ON AIR.

He emphasized that emissions should be reduced as quickly as possible.

“Air conditioners should be used, there should be more greenery in urban spaces. In this regard, there is a rather big lack. And the hottest period during the day depends on some factors, usually it is not 12 o’clock, but later – around 2 p.m. :00 or 3:00 p.m., some days it might be around 6:00 p.m.,” commented the guest.

According to him, the health risks of warming will be on a global scale.

“People in tropical latitudes will be most affected, because there will be high temperatures and high air humidity there. Pregnant women are at risk of abortion or stillbirth,” warned Nikolay Petkov.

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