Lubo Neikov returns with a new show on BTV. “The Show” will debut on May 2 and will be an updated version of “Comedians”, which have long been among the most watched formats, but in recent years have lost momentum and their sketches are bored.
The intrigue surrounding the new show is that Neykov did not invite his close colleague and friend Ruslan Maynov, who is currently appearing in “Like Two Drops of Water”, to join the new project. He was replaced by Toncho Tokmakchiev, who fell ingloriously off the air after the “Channel Show” was removed by BNT due to its shockingly low rating. Tokmakchiev’s photo is also present in the advertisement of the new show together with that of Lubo and Hristo Garbov.
It remains a mystery why Neikov did not invite Ruslan Maynov and Krastyo Lafazanov, with whom he was side by side with the Comedians for more than 10 years. It is possible that the actor’s team has disintegrated due to disputes over money, comment people from the television industry. It was rumored that before the Comedians fell off the screen, Neikov paid the team meager fees, which everyone resented.
Recently, Lubo’s projects have not been going well, after he and his partner Evtim Miloshev split their businesses and he excluded him from his most successful ideas. Neikov was not part of the production team of the hit series “Stolen Life”, realized by his partner Miloshev.
The comedian is not involved in the production of the new TV drama “Lies in Us”, again on the idea of Miloshev, as well as in the current season of “Survivor”, filmed by the team of Evtim with funding from BTV, writes “Retro”. Obviously, the two ex-partners have differences when it comes to television. However, Miloshev’s projects are a gold mine for money, while Lubo is on old laurels with the success of “More Citizens in Sofia” and “Comedians”.