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Draguignan: the English variant concerns 60% of positive people

Evence Richard, prefect of Var, in a vaccination center © Presse Agence

The prefect of Var, Evence Richard, reports: “ The outbreak of the English variant in Dracénie, which now concerns 60% of positive people, shows that the epidemic is far from being stabilized in the department. “To face it, protect oneself and protect others, the remedies are known, he recalls and he goes through” respect for barrier gestures, distancing and wearing a mask first, massive screening to identify positive people then contact tracing to trace contact cases, and finally isolation so as not to contaminate other. This isolation can be difficult to organize, it can generate anxiety in the face of illness, loneliness or material constraints that we do not know how to resolve. “To support everyone in this difficult period, the prefect of the var refers to the telephone platform of the territorial isolation support cell” which responds to those who have material, social or psychological needs. The arrival of a home nurse, offered by the Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie, can facilitate this ordeal. Today, more than ever, we must hold together », Insists the prefect.

Vaccination figures

As of February 11, 37,816 people have been vaccinated since January 6 and 5,536 people have received the 2nd injection, for a total of 43,352 injections. In addition to immunizing new populations, mobile devices are being launched to immunize the elderly and isolated who cannot move around. The first of these will start operating on February 23.

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Epidemiological monitoring indicators for the Var as of February 12, 2021

Vaccination of new target populations has already started in independent residences. ” Thirteen mobile teams, made available by the Departmental Council and made up of nurses and doctors, travel to the 33 residences in the Var to vaccinate residents and staff. Medical care homes (FAM) and specialized reception homes (MAS), which concern people with disabilities are also taken into account. Within these establishments, the public concerned has been extended to anyone over the age of 18. For social residences, the target is extended to people over 60 », Explains Evence Richard, prefect of Var.

In the Var, the vaccination campaign began on January 6 in nursing homes, then it accelerated with the opening to health personnel working in establishments or in cities over 50 years of age or presenting co-morbid factors. Since January 18, 10 vaccination centers dedicated to people over 75 have opened their doors in Toulon, Brignoles, Draguignan, Fréjus, Hyères, Grimaud, La Seyne-sur-Mer, La Garde, Le Luc-en-Provence and Aups, representing the capacity to vaccinate 5,000 people per week.

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