Home » today » Technology » Dragon’s Dogma 2: Lead Designer Promises Massive Open World Map and Extravagant Optional Content

Dragon’s Dogma 2: Lead Designer Promises Massive Open World Map and Extravagant Optional Content

The original Dragon’s Dogma was a massive open-world game, and with Capcom promising that the upcoming sequel will be even bigger, expectations are naturally high in terms of how much content the game will have, and what quality we can expect from its spin-off content.

According to lead game designer Kento Kinoshita, while the game will have a structured design and pacing where you stick to the main story, there will also be a lot of optional content on a huge open world map.

The map is huge, and even though there are level designs where we want players to go in a certain order, there are still characters positioned in the very corner. I think this is something unique to open world games.

Kinoshita and director Hideaki Itsuno went on to jokingly talk about the “extravagant extravagance” of Dragon’s Dogma 2’s amount of completely optional content. The former added that the game will have a “fair amount” of side content that players won’t find unless they go searching for it.

“This is such an extravagant waste,” Kinoshita suggested with a laugh.

“Yes,” Itsuno said, “but we did quite a lot this time.”

“There are some things you can’t get unless you go there for it,” Kinoshita added.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 will release on March 22 for PS5, Xbox Series X/S and PC.

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