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Draghi to the EU council: “Pandemic is not over, EMA reform is needed” | “It is not possible now for migrants to have an obligation to relocate”

Difficult ok Ema to Sputnik, China vaccine inadequate – “We need a reinforcement and perhaps a reform of the EMA”. Regarding vaccines, “the dispute was that Sputnik failed to obtain EMA approval and perhaps never will. The Chinese vaccine is not adequate to deal with the pandemic”. Mario Draghi underlined this at a press conference after the EU Council. “The pandemic is not over, we are not out of it yet. The United Kingdom a few weeks ago had a number of cases more or less equal to that of France today, and today they are twenty times as many, so the pandemic must still be faced with determination. , attention, vigilance “. “We need to keep the pressure on the swabs high, we continue to do them. It is very important to promptly identify the development of new variants and infections. We sequence a lot more,” added Draghi.

We must give more powers to the EMA – Draghi then answered the question of how the announced EMA reform would take place. “It is too early to say, but I raised the issue myself and there has been a certain convergence. In the last year there has been inhomogeneity between Ema and the national authorities, hesitations certainly also due to the fact that we have learned little by little and to the rapid experimentation on vaccines, however, there has been considerable confusion. I believe that Ema needs to be strengthened to have the powers it is entitled to and that other agencies exercise in other countries, let’s think of the USA “.

“With Russia we need cooperation and frankness” –Russia is an important actor on the economic and political front, it cannot but be involved, we need to have an active dialogue. At the same time we need to be frank about what is wrong, cyber attacks, espionage, disinformation, respect for human rights. We need cooperation and frankness “, said Mario Draghi, speaking of the failed summit offered by the European Union to Russia. “The attempt at a meeting in EU-Russia format had to be done. I supported the need to do so, because rather than being doubtful about their own power, EU countries must be proud of the show of strength they give when they speak together”, he said. added the premier. “The Nordic countries because they are closer to Russia have basically put the idea aside at the moment,” he added.

“On migrants, the objective was not an understanding of relocations” – “My goal was not to get an agreement on relocation, it was premature to have a
agreement for us convenient “. This is Mario Draghi’s passage about the point on immigration addressed at the EU Council. In the agreement on the external dimension” the text of the conclusions is very demanding “, observes the premier. -” The problem of ‘ immigration Europe needs to deal with it in harmony if possible, but without excluding agreements between countries “.

“Migrants, what we asked for was accepted” – With regard to the issue of migration policies “I must note with satisfaction the fact that everything we asked for was quickly accepted”, added Mario Draghi.

“We need an expansive fiscal policy” – “The argument for maintaining an expansive fiscal policy focused more and more on investments – in particular those that will make our society different – is that we must aim for growth, at higher rates than pre-pandemic ones”. The premier said adding that if the investments of the Recovery “are well done they will produce an increase in productivity, therefore a higher growth rate that will reduce the pressure of the Italian debt”.

“No agreement on banking union, better for us” – “There was no agreement on the Banking Union and it better not exist if it is to be up
terms that are unacceptable to us, “said Draghi, answering a question during the press conference.

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