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Draghi government, today consultations with parties. Latest news

Agenda and substance begin to take shape on the table of Mario Draghi after that Come on Italy has definitively dissolved the reserve, openly declaring its support. While Luigi Di Maio he invited the five-star parliamentarians to show maturity: “We have a duty to listen” Draghi, said the outgoing Foreign Minister, and “to then take a position on the basis of what the parliamentarians decide”. A line that seems to exclude one vote your Rousseau, hypothesized yesterday by Vito Crimi. And while the mayor of Rome Virgina Raggi openly invites to open to Draghi, Giuseppe Conte spoke for a few minutes in front of Palazzo Chigi: “From me no obstacle to Draghi, the saboteurs are elsewhere. I hope for a political government”, he said. And to the M5S he assured: “I am for the Movement and I will be there”, not indirectly excluding its direct involvement.

To announce yes to the executive led by the former number one of the ECB is Silvio Berlusconi in person at the end of a video conference meeting with the Italian vice president Antonio Tajani and the group leaders Mariastella Gelmini e Anna Maria Bernini: “The choice of the President of the Republic to entrust Mario Draghi with the task of forming the new government goes in the direction we have indicated for weeks: that of a high-profile institutional personality around whom one can try to achieve substantial unity of the best energy in the country “. However, the Knight also underlines the importance of preserving the center-right coalition: “We have confronted and will continue to confront the leaders of the center-right, convinced of the importance of preserving an essential alliance for the future of the country”.

In the afternoon, the consultations between the forces in Parliament and the prime minister in charge will begin at Montecitorio, called to find the numbers to start a new government. How strong will the support for the executive be and what will its ‘format’ be (technical, political, a mix of both?) depends on the policy.

In the field of the center-right, after the approval of Forza Italia, Giorgia Meloni supports the path of abstention, while Matteo Salvini remains uncertain. “If there is a desire for a country that opens, lives, plays sports or goes to the theater, well, if someone, on the other hand, wants to reissue the Conte government on the left, changing Conte with Draghi, then no”, says the leader of the League by entering the Chamber. Sources from the Northern League secretariat reveal the party’s willingness to deal with individual issues, from taxes to major works, from border defense to aid for families. The former majority is also looking for a point of fall, between the Pd ready to support the new attempt while safeguarding the Giallorossi alliance and the split M5S among the supporters of the no without appeal – the Di Battista wing and beyond – and the aperturists. No pre-established limit narrows the horizon of the former ECB president. During yesterday’s conversation with Mattarella, no stakes of any kind emerged, neither of time nor of formulas or characteristics of the government team. It will not be, in other words, a ‘government of the President’. For his part, the premier Conte, entering Palazzo Chigi, he told reporters: “When one does his job, he is always serene”.


The day live

13:34. Sassoli’s appeal

“The contribution of the M5S to Draghi is fundamental”, says the president of the EU Parliament David Sassoli.

13:31. The endorsement of Rays

“Let’s break the mold, the M5s open to Draghi”. Virignia Raggi says this by speaking with the paper. “We need to start from the issues and focus on a political government. The comparison with the previous Monti is wrong. From the Recovery to the bureaucracy, much can be done”, says the mayor of Rome.

13:27. Direction of the Democratic Party at 17

13:25. Draghi leaves Montecitorio

12:40 pm Di Maio: “We must be mature, M5S must listen to Draghi”

The outgoing Foreign Minister warns on Facebook: “I understand the spirits and moods of these last hours. It is legitimate. We are going through a complex political crisis and we are not at fault”. But it is precisely in “these precise circumstances that a political force is shows mature in the eyes of the country. In this fragile framework, the 5-star Movement has, in my opinion, the duty to participate, listen and then take a position on the basis of what the parliamentarians decide “, says Di Maio. “We are – he claims – the first political force in Parliament and institutional respect comes first”.

12:21 pm. Berlusconi: “Yes to dragons, we are waiting for a high profile team”

“The choice of the President of the Republic to entrust Mario Draghi with the task of forming the new government goes in the direction we have indicated for weeks: that of a high-profile institutional personality around whom we can try to achieve the substantial unity of best energy in the country “. So Silvio Berlusconi, at the end of a video conference meeting with Antonio Tajani and the group leaders Mariastella Gelmini and Anna Maria Bernini. “An old esteem binds me to Mario Draghi, who it was our government that appointed Governor of the Bank of Italy and indicated, overcoming the resistance of some European partners, at the helm of the ECB”, reminds the president of FI.

12:18 pm. Carfagna: “Draghi unthinkable at the start without the liberals”

“I can’t imagine a Draghi government being born without the support of those who represent liberal, guarantee, patriotic and pro-European values ​​in Parliament and in society. I think so and many people I meet or write in these are repeating to me. days. Those values ​​represent my personal history, that of Forza Italia and the EPP and can help Mario Draghi to put Italy back on its feet. More, they are necessary. This is why our choice on support for the new government seems too simple “. He writes it on Facebook Mara Carfagna, FI Vice-President of the Chamber.

11:54 am Toti: “Let’s make a move, after mistakes this time we get it right”

“But after in the last three years we have caught Toninelli and Azzolina, citizenship income and wheeled benches, now that Draghi arrives, are there also those who play difficult? Come on, let’s move on, that Italy has need to make decisions! And after so many wrong choices, maybe this time we’ll get it right “. The governor wrote it Giovanni Toti on his Facebook page

11:24 am. Bonino: “More Europe with Draghi”

“More Europe will be committed to this challenge for a European Italy alongside Mario Draghi. And I am convinced that in supporting this Government a common political-electoral project can also be defined between liberal-democratic, pro-European, reformist and ecological forces”, Emma Bonino writes it in an article on Linkiesta.

11:12 am. Draghi arrived in the House

The prime minister in charge arrived in the House.

10:43 am. Carelli: “I hope Draghi does like Ciampi”

“I hope Draghi does like Ciampi, he chooses high level politicians”. So Emilio Carelli, the former M5S deputy now passed to the center-right, on the possible Draghi government.

10:20 am. Cencelli: “He’ll need my manual”

The problem is that Draghi is really the last resort, because then only the elections remain. “He tells Adnkronos Massimiliano Cencelli, author of the manual of the same name on the criteria for the distribution of government and sub-government offices. “What is certain is that – he continues – if the option of political government prevails, then, yes, even super Mario will have to use the Manual”.

10:08 am. Conte: “I’m serene”

“When one does his job he is always serene”. The outgoing premier, Giuseppe Conte, told ANSA as he was entering Palazzo Chigi.

09:56 am. Sileri: “I would tell Draghi to keep a political executive”

“I would tell Draghi to keep a political government, because the popular will is expressed by the subjects who have been elected to Parliament, like myself. This is democracy”. This was stated by the Deputy Minister of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri (M5S), a Radio Cusano Campus.

09:55 am. Mulè (Forza italia): “Total willingness to listen to Draghi”

“The arrival of Mario Draghi was a meteorite that calls politics to its own responsibilities. Forza Italia is totally willing to listen to an authoritative and competent personality like the former president of the ECB whom President Berlusconi called and wanted to roles of great responsibility “, said the spokesman for parliamentary groups of Forza Italia Giorgio Mulè on Radio Me too.

09:18 am. Draghi leaves his home in Umbria for Rome

Mario Draghi Draghi has left his home on the outskirts of Città della Pieve. The escort car and another car with tinted windows, the one probably carrying the prime minister in charge, have in fact come out of the Umbrian center estate. They then headed for the main road from which it is also possible to reach the motorway. The carabinieri patrol that guards the entrances has also moved away

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