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Draghi Government, the latest news on the crisis opened by Conte and M5S

Sanchez: “Europe needs leaders like Draghi”

“I met Mario Draghi when he was president of the European Central Bank. We all remember his key role in defending the euro, when he managed to calm the
markets with the announcement that he would do “everything necessary” to contain the crisis, stating with certainty that it would be enough “. Thus begins an article written for Politico by Pedro Sanchez, in which the Spanish Prime Minister concludes that” Europe has I need leaders like Mario Draghi. “” I have had the privilege of joining him in many long sessions of the European Council. I also had a fruitful bilateral meeting with him last June in Barcelona and, more recently, we attended the NATO summit in Madrid. His intelligent, creative and constructive reflections always contribute to guaranteeing good results in a good atmosphere of consensus, so much needed in these times of crisis “, adds Sanchez.

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