Home » today » News » Draghi defends Lamorgese from Salvini’s attacks: “I haven’t found anyone with a magic wand”. Lega insists: meeting is needed

Draghi defends Lamorgese from Salvini’s attacks: “I haven’t found anyone with a magic wand”. Lega insists: meeting is needed

A armor plating with the addition of a stylet under the track of its predecessors, including Matteo Salvini that attacks her almost every day. The defense of Luciana Lamorgese by the Prime Minister Mario Draghi it is clear and without appeal. At the League that the opponent is just granted an opening to confrontation with three, as long as the Minister of the Interior agrees. The anti-aircraft of the premier to the bombing of the Carroccio on migrants e safety is received with extreme coldness by the entourage of the former vice-premier, made up of cold numbers and supported by the insistence of a encounter deemed “urgent” e “necessary”.

At the table, the leaguers are likely to arrive in the minority. Because Draghi’s words are unequivocal: “In my opinion Lamorgese worked very well”, is the premise. “The numbers for this year are not scary, there have been much worse years ”, remarked the premier. Which then places a cryptic phrase, to underline how the management of migration flows is a complex subject and substantially never contained. Whoever occupied the most important seat of the Viminale: “I have not found anyone – said Draghi – who had the Magic wand”.

There remains Salvini’s request for a face to face, a moment of confrontation: “In my opinion, a three-way meeting should be interesting, Lamorgese and Salvini can have their say points of view, Salvini what’s wrong. Especially if it is comparable to what was wrong 4-5 years ago that is, before the pandemic. If Lamorgese wants, he will gladly do it, maybe not on TV or in streaming … “, explains the Prime Minister who also opened to vaccination of the migrants receiving the applause of M5s and Forza Italia. Words that rev up the Northern League: “Let the numbers speak for themselves. Leaving aside abusive rave parties, baby gang e violence widespread – explain sources of the Carroccio – A meeting with you and President Draghi is urgent and necessary ”.

So the data of the landings “In 2021 (39.410), in 2020 (19.339), in 2019 when Salvini was at the Viminale (5.135) and in 2018 (20.077)”. Draghi’s shield on the interior minister also irritates Brothers of Italy, who criticizing all of Draghi’s speech on pandemic e green pass (“Surreal”) speaks of “Icing on the cake” for the compliments to Lamorgese: “Absurd – writes Giorgia Meloni – As Brothers of Italy we are more and more convinced that staying atopposition of this government is the best choice to defend the interests of the Italians ”.

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