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Draghi at the press conference: he talks about the vaccination obligation and school

“Schools must not be abandoned. None of the other European countries has ever closed them. Dad creates inequalities. I invite all Italians to get vaccinated, those over 50 run more risks. Two thirds of intensive care is occupied by unvaccinated people. “.

Mario Draghi said this at a press conference. “I will not answer for the Quirinale”, he added.

“They say that Draghi no longer decides? Here we show that the school remains open, it is a priority, it was not the way in which this issue was dealt with in the past”, he answered a question from journalists.

School. “The school is fundamental for democracy, it must be protected, protected, not abandoned. The government has the priority that the school is open in the presence. It is enough to look at the effects of inequality among students caused by Dad to be convinced that this school system causes inequalities destined to last, which reflect on the whole future of their working life, even on the future of work and wages. It makes no sense to close the school before having closed everything else and there are no reasons to do so. A generalized appeal must be rejected. to Dad. The kids play sports in the afternoon, and they see friends, so there is no point in closing schools. “

The Minister of Public Education, Patrizio Bianchi, then intervened: “3.07% of the Municipalities have ordered closure orders: a situation that has not, therefore, spread” said the Minister of Education, Patrizio Bianchi. “The choices made are paying off”.

Get vaccinated. “We must not lose sight of one observation: most of the problems we have today depend on the fact that there are unvaccinated people. So there is yet another invitation to all Italians who have not been vaccinated to do so, even with the third dose “, is the premier’s invitation. The obligation of vaccines for the over 50 “we did it on the basis of data, essentially, which tell us that those over 50 run greater risks, two thirds of intensive care are employed by the unvaccinated. the first to adopt
the “vaccine” requirement for a whole series of categories “, but” now the circulation of Covid puts our hospitals under pressure again, especially due to the effect on the unvaccinated population. It is a picture where the pandemic, the virus with the most important tool, the vaccine, must be hit by speeding up, even with hubs open at night. At the same time we must try not to do as the previous year, when it was justified by keeping everything closed “said Draghi.

Hope. “The latest decree is to make our country take an important step forward: today we are 89.40% over 12 with the first dose, so just over 10% over 12 are unvaccinated, who occupy two thirds of places in intensive and fifty percent in the medical area. So we want to reduce the unvaccinated, to reduce the pressure on hospitals “. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in the press conference on the new anti-pandemic measures. “Out of 100 thousand people there are 23.2 people who go to intensive care and they are not vaccinated. With vaccinated people with two doses of more than four months the figure goes from 23 to 1.5, then drops dramatically and drops to one percent when vaccination takes place in the primary cycle within four months and with the booster it goes to 0.9, according to a graph from the Istituto Superiore di health. If we want to reduce the pressure on hospitals and save lives, and if we want to promote the economic and social restart of the country, the priority is to reduce the area of ​​the unvaccinated. And this is a choice that has full scientific evidence “, Hope said.

Economy. “The government is facing the challenge of the pandemic and the spread of very contagious variants with a slightly different approach than in the past: we want to be very cautious, but also try to minimize the economic and social effects, especially on boys and girls, which they were affected by the closures from a psychological and training point of view, “said Draghi.

Other aids. “The budget law that has just been approved already provides for allocations for sectors in difficulty. For the moment we use these measures, we are all reflecting to try to address in the most satisfactory way the support needs that may be caused by this resumption of the pandemic. We will consider whether other resources are needed. We have not considered whether a budgetary shift is necessary. “

Challenge. “We will overcome the challenge once again”, said the prime minister optimistic. “The year must be approached with prudence, trust and unity”.

Government decides unanimously. “When introducing measures of this magnitude, with the obligation also in the workplace, it is necessary to aim for unanimity. These are very important economic and social measures and must also be considered very carefully. Having unanimity of the vast coalition is an objective that must be achieved if possible. The solution found must have sense, meaning. The experience of these eleven months has been the experience of a very large majority, in which it is necessary to accept diversity of views, but not the mediation at all costs. But for some very important measures unanimity is important as long as the result makes sense. It is clear that there are differences and differences of opinion, but they have never been an obstacle to government action “

The government’s goal is to stem the new wave of the virus as much as possible, a real tsunami that in the last two weeks has caused infections related to variante Omicron. The law decree with the new squeeze which provides for the vaccination obligation but only for those over fifty (and only until June 15), different solutions designed for school and the use of the Green Pass to access all services for the person, was approved by the council of ministers unanimously. Draghi talks about it in the first press conference of 2022: the prime minister is speaking to the Italians, clarifying some points that have created confusion and even protests, such as the compulsory vaccination and the return to school after the Christmas holidays.

But the meeting with the press could also be an opportunity to return to talk about Quirinale, after statements made before Christmas. “I have no particular aspirations of one kind or another, I am a man or, if you like, a grandfather at the service of the institutions. So the responsibility for the decision is entirely in the hands of the political forces – said Draghi last December 22 -. We have created the conditions for the work on the NRP to continue and the government has created these conditions independently who will be there (at the helm, ed): the important thing is that the government is supported by a majority like the one that supported this government “.

But Draghi has decided this time that he won’t talk about it.

“I accept your application for the acceptable part …”. So he replied to a journalist who had asked him, in the second part of the question, what he thought of the exit from the majority of Forza Italia announced today by Berlusconi in the event of the election of Draghi al Colle. Then the premier replied on the divisions in the government, but on the words of the Knight.

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