In ‘Scoop World’, which aired on the 10th, the lives of reporter Yesan and actor Lee Kyung-sim were celebrated. On this day, the self-proclaimed Yesan Doctor of Everything transformed into a chicken soup owner by night and a truck-mounted knife cutter by day. The reason he lived so hard was for his children, which would have been difficult after the divorce. There were also regular customers who sharpened their knives regularly because they lived so hard. The special reason to attract regular customers is that they take care of various repairs for customers, such as roof repairs and item repairs. The reason he can fix everything so well is because he worked as a carpenter for a long time. The jack of all trades, who was good at everything, was also able to make fishing boats out of water bottles. Thanks to the boat that he made himself, the Doctor was able to enjoy his hobby without spending a lot of money. People were amazed when they saw a fishing boat made from a water bottle. The master of everything boasted of his fishing skills by catching a catfish the size of an adult’s arm.
Even the universal doctor who could fix anything had homework. It was a son. My son suffers from depression and is very dependent on the Doctor for everything. The Doctor was all very worried about this. But, fortunately, the son showed his will to grow, saying, “I am grateful, grateful, and sorry every time. I will repay the favor as long as I live.”
Finally, the Doctor of All said his dream, “When the children settle down, I want to go to a nice island, go fishing, and have fun.” In the following broadcast, Lee Kyung-sim revealed her current situation and said, “My mother forgot to lie down. I was very surprised that she forgot to lie down,” and she said that she spent her life taking care of her sick mother. Lee Kyung-sim, who is known as a book star and lived the life of a brilliant actor, also had his ups and downs.
Lee Kyung-sim revealed his home, which was a house where 11 animals lived together. There were many animals, including dogs, cats, and chinchillas. He said it was because of his mother’s influence that he raised so many animals. Her husband was not at home, but her husband, a former golfer, said that he often travels on business trips. There were still many traces of my mother, who had recently died, at home. He stood in tears, expressing his desire, saying, “I threw away my things first. But I couldn’t organize the rest.”
Lee Gyeong-sim was so stupid that he took care of his mother at home until just before she died. Despite the advice from those around me to take my mother to the hospital, I took her home because I thought it was an act of filial piety. Lee Gyeong-sim, a passionate girl, also said that she regretted not being able to say goodbye to her mother because she did not know that she would die suddenly.
Then, Kyung-sim Lee took out a newspaper scrapbook made by his father. Although his father was against life in the entertainment industry, his respect for Lee Kyung-shim was greater than anyone else. At that time, Lee Kyung-sim was active as an advertising star, filming more than 100 commercials. In this regard, he recalled how popular it was at the time, saying, “Letters were delivered in bags.” Regarding the reason why she suddenly disappeared when she was so popular, Lee Kyung-sim said, “At that time, even though I wanted to stay in the entertainment industry, I couldn’t. I had to cough up a lot of money when I ended my contract with my agency.”
After much thought, Lee Gyeong-sim confidently arranged her mother’s belongings. He held back tears as if he was still struggling to let his mother go. Lee Gyeong-sim said, “I think my mother wants our family to be happy. If I have a grateful heart even when I sleep, I think my mother will be happy, ” and she said she will have a better life while I think about it. his mother Lee Kyung-sim then acted while reading the movie’s script. He dreamed of returning after a long time. Lee Kyung-sim also expressed his wishes, saying, “I want to participate with two sides.”
MBN’s ‘Scoop World’ airs every Thursday at 9:10 pm.
Top Star News Reporter Yunmin Lee [email protected] 2024/05/09 21:33 Sent