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Dr. Yara George Maroun-Rahma Wins First Place in EVC Exam Competition in France

Dr. Yara George Maroun-Rahma won first place in France in the “EVC exam” competition in the specialty of anesthesia and resuscitation (Anesthésie-Réanimation), in course 2.23, which took place at the French National Center for Administration and under the supervision of the French Ministry of Health.

Dr. Yara competed with more than 500 doctors from all over the world who participated in this competition in the specialty of anesthesia and resuscitation, and a list of the names of the successful people was published on the page of the National Center for Administration and in the French Official Gazette.

It is noteworthy that Yara graduated from the Lebanese University in 2012, completed her education in France, and obtained certificates in anesthesia and resuscitation from French universities.

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2023-12-21 09:13:03

#Lebanese #doctor #takes #place #France

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