Home » today » World » Dr. Teera reiterates !! Unlock and do not drop the card. The new outbreak is still not calm.

Dr. Teera reiterates !! Unlock and do not drop the card. The new outbreak is still not calm.

Dr Thira reveals the latest global coronavirus infection at 103,447,819 people, 2,235,594 deaths, warns to unlock and do not drop the card. Strictly protect yourself Whether in any area

Assoc.Prof. Teeraworathanarat, Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Posting through Facebook Thira woratanarat Report of the infected today, stating that Global Situation February 1, 2021 Yesterday, around the world added 380,810 people, a total of 103,447,819, 9,040 more dead, 2,235,594 total deaths.

  • The United States yesterday had an increase of 104,693 people, a total of 26,736,283, an additional 1,624 dead, a total of 451,540.
  • India added 6,480 people, a total of 10,753,351 people
  • Brazil added 27,756 people, a total of 9,204,731.
  • Russia added 18,359 people, a total of 3,850,439

Doctor Thira

  • The UK has an additional 21,088, a total of 3,817,176.
  • The 6-10 places are France, Turkey, Italy, Spain and most of the Germans in a row of thousands to tens of thousands a day.
  • South America, Europe, Asia such as Colombia, Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine, Canada, as well as Iran, Bangladesh, Israel, Indonesia, Japan and Malaysia continue to add thousands to tens of thousands.
  • In the Scandinavia, Baltic and Eurasia regions, there is an ongoing infection.
  • Myanmar, South Korea and Thailand add hundreds, while China, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Singapore add the tens. While Cambodia, Australia and New Zealand Add less than ten

… The situation in Myanmar Yesterday there was a further 281 deaths, 6 additional deaths, now a total of 140,145, 3,131 deaths, 2.2% death rate …

Analyze the situation …

“The principle of medical science is clear that The outbreak will definitely increase. If there were more meetings There is a greater movement of the population Longer time to contact And more if there are pathogens with a faster transmission capacity, such as those that are mutated, if they are released, Dr. Thira said.

Uzbekistan that It is a country that has an interesting epidemic. The first wave peaked at nearly a thousand people a day in early August. And dropped to the level of 200-400 people per day for about 3 weeks and up to the second peak about 750 people per day fighting for a long period of three months to press down below a hundred per day.

That is a lesson for us to study and observe, even if it is the first wave of two consecutive peaks. And has a lasting effect

Even if we face an outbreak Then press the outbreak can not be decided in the middle of the middle, such as speeding the examination enough to know Then stop or check less The chance to repeat itself is high.

Turn to look at the lessons of the country that encountered the second wave And continue with another epidemic, what do they tell us

If the infection rate per day is ten digits On average, the infection is twice as likely to occur within 10 days.

If the infection rate per day is hundreds or thousands on average, it is twice the chance of being infected within 16-19 days, plus or minus about a week.

If the infection rate per day is tens of thousands On average, the infection is twice as likely to occur within 25 days. Plus, minus in about two weeks.

In addition, the timing of peak infection in the second wave of outbreaks can also predict the timing of potential recurrence of an outbreak. And if known in advance So that we can plan for it

When we understand this We will understand the idea of ​​other countries. The main problem that all countries must break is So what is the real situation in my country?

Therefore there is no choice but to do as much as possible Covering a large population and continuously, not intermittent checks.

With publicly known information today, we honestly don’t know how many infections we actually have. I only know that someone is likely to be infected without knowing it. And / or have not been examined in large numbers And spread to many provinces

Best guess right now, if you want to make predictions for us all to prepare. Be careful in life And make a living plan Would estimate that The doubling chance can take 3-4 weeks.

Probably now evaluating precisely It is difficult for the next wave to occur. Because our repeat outbreak this time has not been in a constant, quiet state. Need to wait and see during the middle of March onwards to see

Emphasize that we all live consciously. Strictly protect yourself Regardless of the area

Always wear a mask, wash your hands often, and stay a meter away from other people. Avoid eating and drinking in the store. Better takeaway

Keep an eye on yourself and your family, and if you are unwell, you need to seek treatment and treatment. Do not let it go because there is a high chance of infecting others. Now is not a time to hang out and party.

With love to everyone

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