Home » today » World » Dr. Nikolay Mihailov: The biggest problem is the loss of security, of existential stability – 2024-08-21 01:41:40

Dr. Nikolay Mihailov: The biggest problem is the loss of security, of existential stability – 2024-08-21 01:41:40

/ world today news/ The biggest problem of today’s time, and on a global scale, is the loss of security and the loss of the function of the future – people cannot count on tomorrow to repeat today.

This is what psychiatrist Dr. Nikolay Mihailov told BNT. According to him, it is an immersion in an anxious present, which develops as the only possibility for life.

According to Dr. Mihailov, this great concern, which we know from the crisis stages of the Cold War, is again on the agenda. This Cold War then could turn hot, and now in its ersatz, hybrid war of sorts, it can, in some sharp turn of discontent, degenerate into a hot one indeed. Majorities of societies are in a state of great dissatisfaction, in a kind of frustration with the political elites and this can be read through the results of the elections, through the refusal to vote and the individual is in a state of what is called anumia, in other words of lawlessness, or to put it another way, a lack of existential stability, noted the psychiatrist.

Part of this anxiety and disorganization of the obvious is related to the fact that the person cannot find the criterion for distinguishing truth from falsehood, because the media is completely under corporate dictate, they work as a service staff of financial interests and behind-the-scenes power, said Dr. Mihailov.

He recalled several historical facts whose anniversary we are celebrating this year, such as 500 years since the establishment of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons, 500 years since the beginning of the Reformation and 100 years since the Russian Revolution. “This means the birth dates in a sense of Russia and America, inasmuch as America is a Protestant and Masonic country in its founding, in its genesis, and Russia bears upon itself the birthmarks of that communist stage. It makes of these countries, and not only that, irremovable geopolitical opponents – they are by some kind of fatality. They cannot reconcile and this creates a permanent feeling of global instability,” commented Nikolay Mihailov.

He also focused on the behavior of adolescents, their aggression and the search for extremism, because they have already been taught that only it can lead to intense pleasures, because the classic already taboo pleasures of a sexual and other nature are very quickly exhausted. Not everyone does it, and those who are the marginalia of the output experiment to show some excess.

In politics, what happens is a mobilization of the majorities who are pro-patriotic, they are majorities of the established and remembered lifestyle, they are not virtualized, as it is called. creative class – these cosmopolitan people. The majorities are looking for rehabilitation against the liberal minorities – this is the agenda, that is why these kind of political revolutions are happening in America through Trump, in England through Brexit, Dr. Mihailov explained.

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