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Dr. Gu Xiuquan Funeral Combines Chinese and Western Styles: A Unique Tribute to the Authority in Psychology

Gu Xiuquan passed away丨Xie Weijun and Zhan Ruiwen sent his old friend the last funeral ceremony, combining Chinese and Western styles to implement a free and easy style

Dr. Gu Xiuquan, an authority in psychology, passed away due to pneumonia on the 29th of last month. Yesterday (29th), a funeral was held at Fook Hoi Hall, a funeral home in Hong Kong. His former disciples and friends, such as Tse Wai-jun, Zhan Ruiwen, and Yu Yongshan, came to see Dr. Gu on his last journey. Dr. Gu Xiuquan studied philosophy, comparative literature and clinical psychology during his university days, and is deeply rooted in Western thoughts. On the other hand, he is deeply immersed in Eastern cultures such as Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Tantra, so the funeral ceremony combines Chinese and Western styles, showing his consistent unique style.

Related ReadingExclusive|Dr. Gu Xiuquan, an authority in psychology, defeated liver cancer and died of pneumonia.

Click to see the funeral of Dr. Gu Xiuquan:

The mourning hall is mainly decorated in white. The four characters “Heaven and Man are one” are elegiac couplets in the mourning hall, which means that “heaven and earth coexist with me, and all things are one with me”; white butterfly orchids are the main theme of the decoration, which is elegant and suitable for funeral ceremonies. In addition to basic Taoist rituals, commemorative albums with ornately designed white background and gold-plated embossed characters were also distributed to relatives and friends. The inscription “Carefree and smiling at the mortal world” means that after his death, he would no longer be restrained and would smile at the mortal world in the fairy world; the memorial album There are precious photos of Dr. Gu Xiuquan from different eras in China and India, and his image is ever-changing.

Gu Xiuquan has special views on death

Condolences written by classmates, relatives, friends, and apprentices commemorated every moment with Dr. Gu Xiuquan, and the content reflected that he was highly respected. The memorial book also shares Dr. Gu Xiuquan’s views on death, saying that “separation is actually an illusion” and “when you really practice, you will have a completely different view of life and death, and you will welcome the arrival of death.” The memorial book It was also revealed that his widow will complete a posthumous book on ancestor worship on behalf of Dr. Gu Xiuquan, and all proceeds will be used for charity, and the Gu Xiuquan Charitable Foundation will be established to leave her love to the world.

Click to see photos of Gu Xiuquan during his lifetime:

Dr. Gu Xiuquan’s funeral teaching video

Dr. John Koo’s funeral was played with a short teaching video in which he talked about death as an illusion during his lifetime. In it, he also used his practice and led everyone to visualize to help everyone transcend their ancestors. At the meeting, Dr. John Koo’s words were distributed with white background and gold edging. Butter paper envelopes, letter paper and heartfelt cards allow relatives and friends to write down their own feelings to Dr. Gu Xiuquan, and they can be mailed in a paper-bound mailbox and delivered to Dr. Gu Xiuquan along with the cremation offering, in the last stage of life lessons. , as a clinical psychologist who never gives up, Dr. Gu Xiuquan still sticks to his post and listens to everyone’s opinions, which is awe-inspiring.

Dr. Gu Xiuquan is calm about life and death

The funeral was a private gathering, and songs chosen by Dr. Gu Xiuquan during his lifetime were played that could reflect the ups and downs of his life and meeting the love of his life. It was touching and felt like a party at the same time, which shows that he was calm about life and death, and his free and easy attitude will always remain in his memory. In everyone’s heart.

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