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Dr. Franklin Franchi: “Doctors who have died have been through community contacts”

Sentinel hospitals are trained and equipped to care for patients with Covid-19, assured the single Health authority in Bolívar.

PressGoBol | Single Health Authority urges the population to maintain prevention measures

(PrensaGoBol) .- Highlighting the daily struggle that doctors, nurses, orderlies and other health area personnel give in the fight against coronavirus, from the Dr. Raúl Leoni hospital center of the Caroní municipality, the single Health authority, Dr. Franklin Franchi, in company of the director of the hospital, Luz Rodríguez, and the epidemiologist of the Bolívar state, Dra. Cruz Cordero, highlighted the advances and equipment in the sentinel hospitals of the entity, to protect the medical personnel from Covid-19.

“Our sentinel hospitals are fully equipped to care for our patients, likewise all medical personnel are equipped with the protection they need to protect them,” Franchi said.

According to Franchi, the doctors who have died have been due to community infections and not because they are at the forefront of the Covid-19 containment line.

On the other hand, he regretted the sad loss of Dr. Livia Carrión, epidemiologist at the Bolívar State Institute of Public Health, for being at the forefront of the battle line. “Dr. Livia Carrión was a warrior and fighter woman, who died at the forefront of the contagion line in the tent installed at the Ruiz y Páez Hospital, who did fall ill while fulfilling her duty. Doctors who have also died in Bolívar state were due to community infections or working from their offices, “said Dr. Franchi.

He called on the population of Bolívar state not to self-medicate if they have symptoms associated with the virus.

“If you have any symptoms, do not self-medicate, go to a doctor and they will tell you if it is Covid-19 or another pathology. If they stay at home it will be late. Do not leave your homes if it is not necessary.

The single Health authority urged the population to take care of themselves despite the week of relaxation, continuing with the use of masks, constant hand washing, social distancing, not touching the face with hands without washing them and not leaving the house if it is not necessary .

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