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DPS must be renewed but cannot be replaced –

/View.info/ A policy of balances must be made at any given moment and each specific political act must be related to this context. Because these anxiety-generating realities distort and accelerate political time.

This is what the honorary chairman of DPS Ahmed Dogan says to the elite of the movement during the New Year’s party in “Boyana”, held on December 17. At the end of his speech, Dogan addressed the audience by saying that he apparently took himself too seriously as a passive observer, but this is not a request to return to politics.

Today, the DPS press center distributed the speech of the honorary chairman of the movement, delivered at the New Year’s celebration. BGNES publishes the speech without editorial intervention:

“Traditionally, every year the political elite of DPS gathers to take stock of the past year and to prospect the next year.

The most characteristic of this cycle of political time is its accelerated tempo and its profound reflex on all spheres of life.

The main reasons for the accelerated internal pulsation of time, in my opinion, is the tendency for the global financial crisis to grow into a world political crisis, which calls into question the stability of the world political order.

For the first time I am worried.., although I am an optimist by nature… It is worrying that the European Union and its member states firstly do not know what to do, secondly, if they do something, they do it quite formally and thirdly – if they decide to “free themselves ‘ from the Euroidea and the Eurostrategy for integration, they don’t know how to do it and what comes next. The EU currently has no deep motivation for development. Even, I think there is no motivation to keep it. Everything is done inertially. The EU does not have the necessary investment resources for its development. Things are not good at the level of power capacity to take the next step. Which means formal existence, formal investment in a formal super-community. A political illusion has been created for the EU, which will be, God forbid, if not the first, then at least the second entity on a planetary scale. But that doesn’t happen. And in the next 10 years, this will not happen. The EU budget (for integration) is around 120-130 billion, and the US military budget is 600-650 billion… That is, we are complicit in a political game with unclear rules and amorphous priorities. I already deeply doubt, at least in some respects, not entirely, of course, whether there will be a European Union at all. So far, Europe has not shown that it has a deep internal motivation to transform the EU into a single common entity with a geopolitical dimension. For example, there are various conflicts around the world in which the European position is reduced to self-justification, because the EU is dwarfed in military-political terms…

But, dear colleagues, the crisis that started 6-7 years ago is deepening and very seriously, taking very strange forms, already outside the sphere of finance and economy. In my view, the crisis is mimicking and evolving into a political crisis on a planetary scale. Because it creates, sets and produces conditions that call into question the political order in the world. The unipolar model of the world cannot remain as it is with the categorical dominance of the USA. China is developing very seriously and aggressively. And, of course, Russia. And this is happening against the background of the passive policy of the EU… Assertion of Russia is an irreversible process that I want you to watch. Russia will do everything possible to continue this line and, if necessary, even by force. From this point of view, we would ask the question about NATO – is it an adequate defense system? I only advise you – do not take things inertially, as wandering political clichés in our dynamic world.

In other words, the world order with one geopolitical pole is about to be transformed very seriously. It will probably be multipolar. But in this context, the EU is in a state of “asleep” and is wondering what to do and where to hang. The symptoms of a political crisis begin with a crisis of tolerance. The crisis of tolerance creates conditions for the awakening of various nationalisms.

If someone from the EU really talks about the priority of freedom, tolerance, responsibility and even security and stability – then they do not know the reality. There is no such thing. I don’t see the next 10 years as conditions for romantic politics. Because the big, deep layers of geopolitics are shifting, mainly from the point of view of the poles, and we must not close our eyes to the necessary reform of our party – as an expectation, as an adequate structuring, and as an adequate action. The world is not doing well. That to me is a fact, not an assumption. In this context, the guarantee for our security is the integrity and stability of Bulgaria.

In the region, apart from Russia, Turkey wants to find its new place in the world order, and this can give rise to very complex relationships and crises in the Balkan region and Europe. The completely new repositioning in the entire region is such a complex and insidious process that the consequences can hardly be foreseen at this stage. Just one pebble can overturn the cart of stability on an international scale. That’s my feeling. And when we talk about political time, about national political time, we have to adjust our watches to this common geopolitical time, if not entirely, at least to the European political time. Unfortunately, this European political time, at least at this stage, is seriously behind. The European Union is not clear with itself as an identity, what it really wants. The EU doesn’t have an identity yet, it’s just a project of identity. And it is precisely because of this that we find ourselves in such a situation of standing astride.

Therefore, from the point of view of this accelerated pulsation of the political time, the party must reform itself with a clear prospect of development. And a development model in all cases must include the risk parameters for the development of the Collective Body. Unfortunately, I don’t see priority thinking for the Collective Body. And this is the most important question, which we seem not to ask, but replace it with current problems of politics.

We use the concept of the “Collective body” only as a metaphor. But the Collective body has a special system of feeling, perceptions, evaluation, expectation… In ethnology, there is an interesting term – morphic resonance, which takes into account the internal pulsation of the community. Here I just feel you, I’m sure – you feel me too, even without speaking. Morphic resonance means without speaking to transmit telepathic information on a subconscious level. I can claim to have an open portal to this information, so I’m not kidding.

A collective body, or the whole, cannot be unaware of what collective pulsation it produces and emits. The pulsation of the collective body is a phenomenon. If it is not cultivated, someone will master it. The collective body has an inner life that includes the conscious and the unconscious in terms of survival.

Yes, crisis gives opportunity, but crisis takes away opportunities. We should be satisfied that the Bulgarian political elite has learned to manage crisis situations, but this fact should not lull us to sleep.

My wish is for people who understand politics to deal with politics. I like music, but I am not competent to appreciate it. People who have no concept of politics should do politics – I don’t agree with that. Not everyone can do politics. Not everyone can make music. There’s no way I can sing like Galena, she’s a talent. But she can’t do what I do, for example. That’s the way the world is…

Colleagues, everyone should do what they understand, not what they are told to do or forced to do. In this difficult time, things can go so wrong that we create problems for years to come. DPS cannot be recreated. DPS must be renewed but cannot be replaced. Even with the support of neighboring countries…..

I want us to look at this issue very seriously. We are not in some routine period of development, we are in a crisis that we do not realize as to scale and depth. And we can fall victim, like cannon fodder, to this crisis. Just imagine the potential conflict between Russia and Turkey. This statement was a blunder for me, Mr. Mestan. The Pentagon has no position, NATO has no position. Besides, the Bulgarian is very sensitive about this topic. His anxiety has the power of a historical archetype. What if there’s a fire, what do we do?! What do we do if there’s a fire, gentlemen… We’re in the perimeter of potential military action… Or do you think that’s not possible?! I don’t want Bulgaria to become a victim, I don’t want our electorate to be a bargaining chip for anything. I don’t want to! Any other ideas call into question the security of life, the political meaning of DPS. If we do not realize this, then we are not in class. An unmeasured action of ours can give rise to such consequences that we later wonder about – but that’s how it was, but someone didn’t understand us, didn’t fully understand us, and so on…

So it is with some sadness that I want to tell you that the times are very complicated. Because it vibrates negatively in its different layers. I wish you to look for the foundations within yourself, from the point of view of what is most important for us, the stability and security of the region. Any concept, any idea, any strategy that calls our security into question – should not be encouraged. I clarify – all countries are interested in the ethnic groups that are in the neighboring countries. The Balkans are a mosaic of ethno-religious minorities, gentlemen. We have talked about this many times. In such a situation, everyone tends to look for a fifth or sixth column. If you want to play this game – it’s a political disaster. I don’t want to be either fifth or sixth column. My philosophy is that there should be security in Bulgaria and in the region, regardless of the external circumstances. Very important! But that is why a policy of balances must be made at each specific moment and each specific political act must be related to this context. Because these anxiety-generating realities distort and accelerate political time. And political reason is rightly tempted to organize and construct the world we live in according to the same matrix.

We should not imagine that what we do as politics in the parliament has no connection with world politics, European politics, regional politics, etc.

The information age has fundamentally affected the very existence of politics. In politics, everything is now in everything, so to speak online.

There are no isolated actions. Everything is in everything. Even when we do something unconsciously, we support or feed processes that are outside of us, but directly reflect on our consciousness, our country, our world

You all know I’m an observer by definition, but apparently I’ve taken myself too seriously as a passive observer. But this does not mean that I will return to politics!

Finally, I call you to make a common prayer for the new year 2016: Lord, do not give me more than I can bear”.

#DPS #renewed #replaced

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