Jakarta –
Circulating Results President Joko Widodo regarding the appointment of DKI Jakarta middle high officials in this case the Regional Secretary (Sekda). In the Presidential Decree it was stated that the Head of the BPK for the Province of Bali Joko Agus Setyono as DKI Secretary.
The Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia is written Number 13/TPA of 2023 and stipulated by Jokowi on February 13, 2023. The contents of the Presidential Decree in circulation are as follows:
“Appointed Mr. Joko Agus Setyono, SE, MM, Ak, CA, CSFA, ACPA, CPA, NIP 196812111996031004, Madya Main Trustee (IV/d), as Regional Secretary of the Province of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, starting from the time of his inauguration and he was given a position allowance structural echelon 1 b, in accordance with laws and regulations,” said the first dictum of the Presidential Decree as seen, Tuesday (14/2/2023).
Member of DPRD DKI Jakarta from F-Gerindra Syarif heard about the election of Joko Agus Setyono as Regional Secretary of DKI. Syarif also congratulated.
“I congratulate the new Pak Joko Regional Secretary,” said Syarif when confirmed, Tuesday (14/2/2023).
The Deputy Chairperson of DPD Gerindra DKI Jakarta hopes that Joko can carry out his duties in a trustworthy and responsible manner. He also asked the elected Regional Secretary to ensure that the budget from the flood alleviation program to the provision of public transportation in Jakarta is on target.
“My hope is that there are two challenges that the DKI provincial government has to answer. The three strategic budgeting policies on the issues of flooding, economic recession and transportation must be right on target,” he explained.
Furthermore, Syarif encouraged the Regional Secretary of DKI to make Jakarta a pioneer of successful voters in 2024. He hopes Joko can ensure the situation in the capital runs smoothly.
“In the political year, Jakarta must be a pioneer in successful elections with various stages up to the determination of the winner of the 2024 election. Jakarta must be ensured to be conducive. That is where the regional secretary plays an important role,” he said.
3 Names of Candidates for Regional Secretary
Previously, Acting (Pj) Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono said the names of three candidates for Regional Secretary (Sekda) had been submitted to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The three names were submitted directly by the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian.
“Yes, the Minister of Home Affairs has sent it,” said Heru Budi at the DKI Jakarta City Hall, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Central Jakarta, Thursday (9/2/2023).
Heru said Jokowi would later hold further discussions before directly appointing the elected Regional Secretary. “Later it will be discussed at the Palace,” he said.
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