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DPR Asks to Cancel the Rules of Buying and Selling Land Must Have a BPJS Card

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Deputy Chairman of Commission II DPR Luqman Hakim asked Minister of ATR/BPN Sofyan Djalil to cancel the participant card rules BPJS Health as a condition of land sale and purchase.

According to him, if there is an error in Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 2022, Sofyan should provide input so that revisions are made and not immediately implement it.

“I ask Mentari ATR/BPN Sofyan Djalil to cancel the BPJS Health membership policy as a condition for land services,” said Luqman in his statement, Saturday (19/2).

“If there is an error in presidential instruction number 1 of 2022 related to land issues, Minister Sofyan Djalil, as assistant to the president, should provide input so that the presidential instruction is revised so that the people are not harmed,” he added.

He said that the issuance of the BPJS rules was part of a ridiculous, irrational and arbitrary power practice. Luqman questioned the relationship between buying and selling land and BPJS health.

According to him, philosophically, land ownership and social health insurance are people’s rights that must be protected by the state.

In carrying out the obligation to protect the rights of the people, he said, the state should not infringe on the rights of other people.

“The birth of this policy makes me suspect that there are evil elements that have infiltrated around President Jokowi and his cabinet ranks and deliberately encourage the birth of policies that clash the president with the people,” he said.

The Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) previously announced that the BPJS Health card would be a requirement for registration services for the transfer of land rights or ownership rights to apartment units, aka land sale and purchase.

These new requirements will come into effect on March 1.

“The implementation of this provision will take effect on March 1, 2022,” wrote the letter numbered HR.02/164-400/II/2022 signed by the Director General of Determination of Rights and Land Registration, Suyus Windayana, quoted by Antara. CNNIndonesia.comSaturday (19/2).

The letter requires the applicant for the transfer of land rights or Ownership Rights to the Flat Unit because the sale and purchase must include a photocopy of the BPJS Health Participant Card.

“Every application for registration services for the transfer of land rights or Ownership Rights to Flat Units due to buying and selling must be accompanied by a photocopy of the BPJS Health Participant Card,” the letter said as quoted on Saturday (19/2).

The letter explained that this rule was in accordance with the issuance of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 1 of 2022 concerning Optimizing the Implementation of the National Health Insurance Program (JKN).


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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