Home » today » Business » DPG Media acquires RTL Nederland in 1.1 billion euro takeover – A major media merger in the Netherlands

DPG Media acquires RTL Nederland in 1.1 billion euro takeover – A major media merger in the Netherlands

This says Erik Roddenhof, CEO of DPG Media, which includes titles such as AD, Nu.nl and de Volkskrant. “RTL and Videoland are successful local brands with fantastic programming that is appreciated by a broad audience. RTL Nederland therefore fits very well with DPG Media.”

He calls the takeover ‘a very long-cherished wish that is now coming true’. “We have been working on this process for so long. I am happy that it has been successful.”

At 1.1 billion euros, the takeover is one of the larger media takeovers in the Netherlands. Roddenhof thinks his investment will certainly pay off. According to him, sharing knowledge and skills will yield a lot. “You have many of the same challenges. In Belgium, live television viewing figures are also declining and streaming is also growing very fast.”

‘RTL is a strong brand’

You have to make a lot of investments in technology, he continues. “The streaming platforms are continuously developing. If you have to bear that investment alone every time, it can become very expensive. While you are actually doing the same thing twice in both countries.”

Sven Sauvé, CEO of RTL Nederland adds: “We are becoming a more complete media group.” He is happy that the names RTL and Videoland will be retained. “RTL is a strong brand and loved by many Dutch people.”

Investing in journalism

If regulator ACM (Consumer and Markets Authority) approves the takeover, little will change for the time being. Sauvé will remain at the head of RTL Nederland and neither jobs nor channels will disappear, he says.

“In fact, we are going to invest more than before in Dutch content and independent journalism,” said Sauvé. Roddenhof says that RTL Nederland is therefore excellently positioned for the future. “DPG believes that the future is both live television and streaming.”

DPG on the side for Talpa

DPG Media’s interest in RTL Netherlands is not new. The company was also very interested in RTL Nederland two years ago, but a takeover did not happen at the time. It turned out that RTL Nederland was already having conversations with Talpa. DPG was not happy about that, to say the least.

It therefore put a stop to the takeover of Talpa Network by RTL Nederland by complaining to the ACM. The combination of the TV companies would become too powerful. And the ACM agreed with that.

The Talpa-RTL merger did not go through and DPG then smelled an opportunity. Moreover, television is not unexplored territory for DPG. In Belgium it already owns the largest channel group (VTM) and the French-speaking part of RTL.

When asked whether they are not afraid of forming too powerful an (advertising) block in the Netherlands again, Sauvé answers: “DPG is not active in both markets (television advertising and distribution market, ed.), so I actually suspect that no objections will ultimately arise there. .” He looks forward to the procedure with confidence.

Data and advertisers

An additional TV company brings benefits to DPG Media, especially in the areas of advertising revenue and information about users.

RTL Nederland and RTL Nieuws will be added as a new division to DPG Media if the ACM approves the plans. The current CEO of RTL Nederland, Sven Sauvé, will continue to lead RTL. According to him, nothing will change now other than ‘we have a new shareholder’.

RTL and DPG Media

RTL Nederland owns the channels RTL 4, RTL 5, RTL 7, RTL 8 and RTL Z, as well as Buienradar and the streaming service Videoland. RTL Nederland had a turnover of 636 million euros in 2022, and 161 million euros EBITA (the profit before deduction of taxes, interest and depreciation). 800 people work there.

DPG Media is active in Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands. In the Netherlands it owns de Volkskrant, Nu.nl, Het Parool, and AD, but also Libelle and Q Music. DPG has been making television in Belgium for 35 years. DPG Media achieved 1.8 billion euros in turnover and 288 million euros in EBITA in 2022. 6,000 people work there. As mentioned, DPG Media already owns the largest channel in Belgium, VTM, and the French-speaking part of RTL.

2023-12-15 10:01:14
#DPG #Media #RTL #Netherlands #billion #Worth #euro

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