united states and unionEuropean Union also increased, fromaccording to the poll.adriana: they left their cars ina private parking lotthinking they were safe.they can take out, that’s why they searchedour help.berenice garner tells us whatpaó and what to do if onefind yourself in a situationsimilar and our rightsas a consumer.Bernice: This is him.parking lot in question.these are some of thebut now they don’t know what to do.are things no one ever thinksthe moment one leavesa car in a parking lotprivate.tired of waiting they arrived atask when they will recovertheir cars. they get stuckwhen this elevatorcrashed 2 months ago.>> there is always a different onehistory.berenice: meanwhile youis losing work.>> general maintenance andeveryone.berenice: they were in the sevenflats, mostlytaxi drivers.some have gone to place theircomplaints, other friend until thecourt.we immediately startedinvestigate.the consumer departmentI send a letter.the consumer departmentHe replied that he received hundredsof complaints against thisparking lotThey explained that if aparking is charging anddoes not allow access tocar, they were in violation ofthe protection lawconsumer. however, do notI’m charging.So we invite theaffected to contactdirectly to insurersof their cars.>> said that…berenice: the department ofbuilding said that afterincident, I will send them aorder to stop working,who have visited the garage inseveral occasions. than beforethat authorize the emptyingof the elevator, it must be repaired>> the people we work for andwe depend on that, what do we do?berenice: we contacted the childfrom the parking lot. He said thatHe is hiding us from no one.who is working with thecity and with professionals tofind the solution to thistrouble.