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Double standards – Todo Taxi

Double standards

By Antonio Sanabria (Elite Taxi member)

It is very easy to live being a spectator of the suffering of others, of that suffering that happens near you but that does not touch you.

It is also very easy to be a passive, and sometimes not so passive, accomplice of the harassment that people you once called companions are subjected to.

Tito Álvarez and the Elite Barcelona board have been victims of bullying for more than a year, with all kinds of serious accusations, humiliations, as well as manipulated and malicious montages.

In this life you can wish many things, but it is better never to expect anything from anyone, not even from those who put their hands on your shoulder, that is the way to never be disappointed and to be stronger every day.

When this situation of harassment affects only and individually people, it could even be understood that “each one sweeps his house.”

But, when to implement this harassment, means are used that the Taxi sector has been defending itself in recent years, such as leaders in cahoots with the PP administrations for the destruction of the sector, or media that have been Noted for being the speaker of the enemies of the Taxi, each taxi driver should ask himself internally, if maintaining a profile position means betraying yours, your people, your family, your work and business, and ultimately your sector .

Not everything goes in this life, the taxi sector has learned many things in recent years, but at times it seems that it has not learned anything.

It is very easy to stay in a profile position, when you know well that positioning yourself puts you in the spotlight of bullies, but not doing it, it does not discriminate against those who, if they are being bullied and up to here almost everything can be understandable , because in silence you live comfortably.

The double standard appears when those who have been harassed and crushed, decide that in this life everything has a limit and they stir with all the consequences and then those others who lived in profile appear, to explain to the harassed that the internal wars of the sector they are not good for anyone, those who have even tolerated the participation of historical enemies of the sector, from within and from without, in this “orgy” of harassment.

Where were the codes of struggle, which the Elite boasted about?

Some of you have not been waited for more than a year, when things have been very difficult for those you called companions and you are not expected now, to give lessons in morality and companionship to those who have decided that every beginning has an end .

Companions are those who collectively defend a sector, not those who ally with our enemies to destroy other companions and other movements in defense of the Taxi, not even disagreeing with them.

The sector had learned a lot in recent years, we hope and hope that this learning has not fallen on deaf ears, because the enemies of the sector have been enjoying themselves for more than a year, but they must know and will know, that the Taxi does not he is overcome even from within.

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Double standards

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