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Double pricing at petrol stations: cashiers are badly insulted, mutilation has started

It was also stated in the Government Info that the introduction of the two types of price was necessary in order to anticipate the supply problems expected by June. In June, fuel consumption will always increase, partly due to the current agricultural work (harvest) and partly due to the start of car tourism – said the managing director of Holtankoljak.hu upon our request, Eszter Bujdos. It is known that petrol tourism generated about 15 percent extra revenue – but if this measure is eliminated, it could in principle help alleviate the expected supply problems. However, the problems of gas stations have multiplied again.

Those who could not switch could no longer open it on Monday

Eszter Bujdos’ experience on Sunday evenings is that of the larger well networks with the exception of Shell the switchover has taken place. (According to our information, a solution has already been found at Shell by Monday morning.) Of the smaller wells, this was only possible for those whose cash register provider was able to resolve the issue technically. The 3-day grace period stipulated in the decree issued before midnight on Thursday also expired, so

which well failed to resolve double pricing could not open on Monday.

The well that has opened must be able to serve foreign refuelers at market prices from Monday, he explained.

Of the 800-900 (non-networked) wells, President of the Association of Independent Gas Stations (FBSZ), Gábor Egri he estimated they could not open in the order of a hundred on Monday morning because their cash register systems could not switch to double pricing. They are still thinking about a compliant solution, while Mol was ready to change the regulation in “two minutes”. Gábor Egri’s own well network, the automatic Envi, could not solve the changeover on the weekends either, so he could not open it on Monday morning.

For automatic wells, the solution seems to be more difficult. It was at the end of the week, where the vending machines sold the fuel at market prices, and the difference was promised to be returned after the traffic was presented. But this is no longer possible because the grace period has expired.

It is not easy to refuel for 10 thousand forints

“It’s good that we can refuel with Hungarian traffic for 480 forints, but let’s not forget that most of the refuelers go to the well to buy in a specific amount,” Eszter Bujdos called our attention. This is a little harder to do now, as the well column calculates the market price and it only shows at the checkout how much the refueled quantity will cost at the official price. So anyone who wants to refuel for a specific amount has to calculate in advance how many liters they need to fill in this car. For example, if someone were to buy fuel for 10,000 forints, it would be 20.83 liters at the official price. If you refuel this much, you will see a price of approximately 15,000 forints at the wellhead (14,935 forints, 717 forints for petrol), but you will only have to pay 10,000 forints at the checkout if you show Hungarian traffic. However, those who do not have their turnover have to buy the full market price – in the case of a 40-liter refueling, this means that instead of the official price of HUF 19,200, they have to give HUF 28,680 for 95 petrol.

An angry car damaged the gun

The fact that they have to pay special attention to whether there is a price stop in the country of the foreign car, makes it difficult for the cashiers of the gas station, because then the person can refuel at our official price.

Márton Mohos / 24.hu

Eszter Bujdos said you could hear about very serious tensions and atrocities – an angry car damaged two guns at two gas stations over the weekend. There may be a longer wait, as anyone who does not bring their traffic with them when they have to pay will have to go back to their car to find it and it will be their turn.

Cashiers complain that motorists complain with harsh remarks about why they have to present their traffic, Gábor Egri added. Although researchers have no authority. He says double pricing is not good at all because it lures both motorists and employees to abuse. To hear that foreigners are buying cheaper with their fake turnovers, or that the cashier is willing to charge them cheaper for some slippery money, may ask the car paying in cash for the full price, while snapping down that there was Hungarian traffic and closing the difference.

However, mutilation can mean a fine of 6-15 million forints for the well, even per transaction. According to the FBSZ, there is only one way for researchers to protect themselves from punishment if they were billed for all refueling at official prices (with name, license plate, registration number) – this would correctly prove that they acted in a lawful manner. It is another matter that the wells are not technically prepared for this either.

“There are only 100”

According to our colleague’s report, as expected, the self-service wells were not open as there is no staff to distinguish between cars with domestic and foreign license plates. In Mosonmagyaróvár, ten kilometers from the Austrian border, queuing at petrol stations has not stopped, but it is far from as depressing as when petrol was sold for 480 forints.

Locals had previously complained that they were often unable to refuel at all because of the long line, at best they had to go more laps in the city before they could stop by the end of a line of acceptable size. The continuously crowded OMV on Kossuth Lajos Street, which is closest to the motorway, has not been very accessible since the introduction of the price stop, even at nine o’clock in the evening, perhaps because it was rumored that the last Mol petrol station in front of the border was huge. make a detour for 480 forints of fuel.

Between 10 and 11 a.m. Monday, two or three cars were waiting at each well, and no cars with foreign license plates were turning around. “Don’t be scared, you’ll see the normal price on the display, but here we’ll count on 480,” the gas station at OMV said. The normal price is 717 forints anyway – it is really a punch that the counter leaves 14 thousand forints for 14 liters of petrol. Only one foreign vehicle, a car with a license plate in Vienna, refueled at the well on Mol Királyhidai Street, but it could only do so at full price, just like at OMV. At the end of the town towards Győr, at the well on the road to King St. Stephen of Shell, there was hardly a vehicle. “There is only 100”, the well manager adjusted, which means that only V-Power petrol can be refueled, and the 480 HUF price cap does not apply to it. Instead of officially priced fuel on the well, our customers are waiting for an inscription: “Please be patient, we will do our best with expanded transport capacities to make your usual fuel available again!” They promised to bring it on Tuesday, ”the gas station encouraged the ordinary 95-looking buyer.

Recording the author
Recording the author

Gas stations are becoming more desperate

Supply problems are ongoing, with Mol, for example, only confirming 66 percent of the quantity it orders from the wells it supplies, our speakers have said. However, according to Gábor Egri, it is not true that there is not enough petrol or diesel – at least not from the fact that Mol knows that it also exports fuel to Austria and Slovenia at market prices.

It is common for wells to continue to apply quantitative restrictions. Another issue is that the truck must be refueled even if a maximum of 100 liters is allowed to be loaded at a time, in no more than several installments.

Gas stations do not see the end of the tunnel. The compensation of 20 forints (which is actually only 16 forints, because it could go up to 80 percent of last year’s turnover) is not enough, they still produce a loss – Eszter Bujdos pointed out everyday life. And those who demanded price support had to commit to keeping it open in vain.

Gábor Egri mentioned that they wrote a letter in their great despair Viktor Orban to the Prime Minister – they feel that by being forced to operate at a loss for months, they have become completely impossible.

It’s all coming to an end. Even if the owner even pushes money from another business to keep his well open, the cashiers will still leave because of the brutal remarks.

He enveloped. Workers are not expected to tolerate verbal aggression on a daily basis. The FBSZ continues to say it should have provided support on a social basis and otherwise sold the fuel at full price, to everyone. “Now everyone will work to ensure that the extra profit achieved by refueling foreigners also immigrates to Mol’s pocket,” said Gábor Egri. This is due to the fact that the wells have to transfer the part over HUF 480 to the wholesaler even after the purchases of foreigners, in the same way as for vehicles over 7.5 tons refueling at the market price.

Both speakers are convinced that double pricing is no longer appropriate at EU level and believe that this will be a consequence. Gábor Egri mentioned that the new Hungarian order is also in conflict with two articles of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union prohibiting discrimination. He also fears that neighboring populist-nationalist parties will not leave discrimination without a word.

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