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Double Dating: First Dates and Long Live Love Experiences with Mariska van Kolck and Nofar Biran

Sep 03, 2023 at 7:54 PM Update: 22 minutes ago

Dating is very exciting. Especially if there are a few cameras pointed at you and your date. NU.nl speaks to two women who participated in a dating program not once, but twice.

For Nofar Biran, the invitation to participate arrived First Dates as a complete surprise. “Out of the blue I received an email from the production. Apparently my girlfriends thought it was about time.”

Musical star Mariska van Kolck also did not immediately know whether she wanted to participate when she was asked for the VIP variant of the program. “I always discuss everything with my children. They shouldn’t feel uncomfortable about it.” But Van Kolck himself has no problems appearing on television. “Not even when it comes to dating.”

To her great surprise, Van Kolck was put against someone who was not a match for her at all. “On paper you may have the same interests, but your physical energy is also very important in a match.” Nevertheless, she tried to make something positive out of it. “But apparently that was not exciting enough, since Giel Beelen’s date was more often in the picture,” laughs the singer.

Mariska van Kolck in First Dates. Photo: BNN VARA

Eating in a warehouse for a maximum of 45 minutes

Unfortunately, Biran also did not click with the man she met. And the setting of the date didn’t live up to her expectations either. “You are on the set for five hours, of which you eat with your date for a maximum of 45 minutes. The program is recorded in a kind of shed, where I had to start a three-course meal at 11 a.m..”

Yet Biran does not give up hope. “I’m also a hopeless romantic, so I thought, I’ll just give it another try.” For the second attempt, Biran reported herself to Long Live Love, where you spend at least 24 hours in a house with a date. “The matching process was much more extensive with this program. I also noticed this with my date, he was much more on my energy level. But unfortunately there was no romantic click.”

Van Kolck was also in for a second try and when she was asked for the daily dating show on SBS she said yes. But once again she had to deal with a passive date. He showed little initiative and responded curtly to her questions. “I thought: we’re here now, let’s just have fun. I was also surprised that he immediately wanted to have in-depth conversations, we don’t know each other, do we?”

Nofar Biran participated in Long Live Love Photo: Talpa

“Like calling my date a cheese head out of the blue”

The creators of Long Live Love have quite a job editing the program, because all those 24-hour dates do not fit into a half-hour broadcast. Biran noticed that her date was “quite cut and pasted”. “So it looks like I put my date in Long Live Love call cheese head out of the blue, when he has said this about himself several times.”

“There is also a fragment where we are lying in bed together. Sensual music has been added to it, suggesting that something intimate is happening. While that was absolutely not the case.”

Van Kolck had to laugh at the broadcast of her and her date. She had told the man about her work in the theater and about her role as a sea witch in The little Mermaid. But that conversation was completely omitted from the broadcast. “Suddenly he called me a witch in the episode. That’s hilarious, isn’t it?”

Fallen into a hole after B&B Full of love? Also check out these dating shows:

Since August 28 Date Bon appetit can be seen daily on SBS6. Singles meet for the first time at a romantic dinner they prepared for each other. Also Out together, home together? has been on display since this week. In that program, bachelors travel together to discover whether they want to go home together again. Starts on September 17 Farmer seeks Woman: Europe. Where farmers who live outside the Netherlands go in search of love. After a popular season comes B&B Full of love with a real spin-off. In the autumn, RTL will come up with Winter Full of Love.

Contestants are done with dating on TV

Dating on television again is not an option for Biran. “I think dating works much better if I can choose where I go and with whom. You are aware of the cameras, even if they are well hidden. In addition, you are matched by people who hardly know you, even not after an extensive conversation.”

We will also no longer see Van Kolck dating on TV. “I am very happy with my circle of friends and my work. It was a special way to get to know new people, but I prefer to choose them myself.”

2023-09-03 17:54:47
#date #Threecourse #meal #oclock #morning #Media

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