Home » today » News » Double crime in Moreno: the autopsy revealed that the young woman and her daughter were strangled with a tie

Double crime in Moreno: the autopsy revealed that the young woman and her daughter were strangled with a tie

The 23-year-old girl and her 4-year-old daughter found murdered yesterday at his home in the Buenos Aires party of Moreno was suffocated to death by strangulation and investigators believe they were attacked while sleeping.

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While, Jacinto Apodaca, who was the woman’s partner and was arrested after the fact, it will be investigated today by the prosecutor of the case, Federico So Señora, who charged him for “double homicide qualified by the bond and for mediating gender violence.”

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According to sources consulted by the Telam news agency, the autopsy results carried out in the last hours showed that María Magdalena Figueredo and her daughter Luz Emily showed signs of having been strangled with a bow and that the cause of death was suffocation.

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LForensic doctors estimated the date of death around 5 in the morning on Saturday. In addition, the experts did not detect signs of defense in the bodies of the victims, so that cThey laugh that they were attacked while sleeping.

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While, this Sunday they continued the tasks to find the link used by the femicide and, at the same time, determine if the defendant committed the attack out of jealousy.

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The double femicide was discovered on Saturday afternoon, in a house located on Juana Azurduy street between Cuyo and Ireland, on the border of the towns of La Reja and Francisco Álvarez, Moreno party, in the western area of ​​the conurbano.

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The sources reported that personnel from the 6th police station. was alerted through 911 that Figueredo, who lived there with his daughter, did not answer calls from a friend of his who had come to the house. Upon arriving at the place, the agents verified that both were deceased, after which the removal of traces at the crime scene was arranged and the residents of the neighborhood were interviewed to establish if they had observed strange movements in the home.

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With that information, the police apprehended Apodaca as the main suspect, who lived with the woman and the minor in the house.

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After the crimes of Figueredo and his daughter, there are already 95 femicides registered so far this year, and 60 since the beginning of the social, preventive and compulsory isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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According to this survey, in the province of Buenos Aires it is where so far the greatest amount of femicides occurred, with a total of 29 cases, followed by Tucumán, with eight; and by Santa Fe, with five.

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Meanwhile, in Misiones four cases were registered, while in Córdoba and Salta three occurred; in Santiago del Estero and Entre Ríos, two; and in Santa Cruz, Jujuy, Corrientes and the City of Buenos Aires, one in each.

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Line 144: attention, containment and advice in situations of gender violence. By WhatsApp: +5491127716463.

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