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Dornois Patrick Naudeau ready for the New York marathon

Dornois Patrick Naudeau, 52, a criminal police officer and police major from Moulins-sur-Allier, trains regularly to run. Long distances. This year he signed up for the legendary New York marathon, which will bring together fifty thousand competitors on Sunday 6 November.

The Dornois, formerly Tourangeau, is cut for; 1.77m, 68kg, multiply your training sessions, at the rate of four per week.

First marathon in La Rochelle in 2013

He tried the marathon in 2013, in La Rochelle, because “he likes the area”: ​​42.195 km, in 3h 53 ‘, it was already not bad. He repeated the experience for eight years in a row and, last April, he tried another: the Paris marathon. Start with 50,000 other attendees. His time? “My best time, 3h 20 ‘”, he exults.

His sporting goal, wearing the New York marathon bib (at a cost of 500 euros), is to get “an honorable time, without putting pressure on himself”. He intends to “exploit the atmosphere” and, above all, “live a dream through this mythical race”.

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Departures are made according to the scheduled times. You must arrive three hours early. “What will matter is consistency. It will be the last for me, that’s clear, “says the Dornois.

What about the famous “30 kilometer wall” (or obstacle), felt at the 37th or 38th kilometer? “At that point we lose a minute, a minute and a half per kilometer. We ran out of gas in the engine! (laughs).

Patrick Naudeau is also a fan of muscle building and long distances. He took part in the emblematic event of the 100 km of Millau in 2018. In 2019 he also ran the 63 km long Sancy trail, with an altitude difference of 3,300 meters.

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60 km per week

The Dornish marathon runner, alone or with Athletic Entente Moulins runners Yzeure Avermes (Eamya), follows the training plan proposed by coaches Franck Colon and Jean-Pierre Darangeau. To give himself all the chances in this new challenge, Patrick Naudeau has run 60km a week in the last two months, mainly on the road. This year it already counts 2,000 km, with 247 km in September and 207 km on 24 October. “No training holidays. I wear two pairs of shoes a year! “.

What about the diet? To address this mythical distance, Patrick Naudeau states that he does not follow a specific diet. “I prefer fish, white meats and, at the moment, vegetable soup. I avoid cured meats. “

For D-Day it will be a special, very rich, “easily digestible” sports cake. And, along the 42,195 km, water, gel and fruit (bananas).

The Dornois has everything planned for this new personal challenge, far away from home.

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