Home » today » News » d’Or – Various facts. He was traveling on the Dijon bypass … on a scooter and without a helmet

d’Or – Various facts. He was traveling on the Dijon bypass … on a scooter and without a helmet

This Wednesday morning around 11:30 a.m., a man was riding an electric scooter and without a helmet, near the Dijon ring road, reported our colleagues from France Bleu Bourgogne on their website.

As a reminder, on this national road RN 274, traffic is limited to a maximum of 90 kilometers per hour. It is prohibited for pedestrians, bicycles, tractors, mopeds, or even, of course, electric scooters. According to France Burgundy Blue , the offender would have been reported, in the direction Longvic-Plombières-lès-Dijon (South-North), at the level of the town of Longvic.

For its part, the Interregional Roads Directorate (Dir) Center-Est told us that one of their patrols was quickly dispatched to apprehend this man. “It was secured by our services and accompanied to the Franche-Comté exit exchanger (exchanger 45 allowing you to leave or join the A39, Editor’s note). “

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