KOMPAS.com – A number of conditions can be signs your body has a dopamine deficiency or a dopamine deficit.
Quoting Verywell Mind, dopamine is a neurotransmitter or chemical in the brain that plays an important role in sending signals from the brain to our bodies.
This naturally produced hormone plays an important role in supporting motor skills, cognitive abilities, and reproduction.
Also read: Dopamine Functions in the Brain, from Happy to Move
The neurotransmitter can spike in anticipation of something important that is about to happen, plays a key role in the body’s reward and motivation systems, and also influences memory.
Dopamine carries out these important functions, even though it makes up only a small percentage (less than one percent) of brain neurons.
In the right amount, this neurotransmitter is very useful for brain function.
If the amount is low, it can cause unwanted problems in the body.
Then, what are the characteristics of the body lacking dopamine, will be discussed in this next article.
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What are the signs of a dopamine deficiency?
Dopamine deficiency has been linked to neurodegenerative conditions in the body.
If you have symptoms of low dopamine levels, quoted from the Cleveland Clinic, you may feel the following:
Lack of motivation to engage in activities Fatigue Difficulty concentrating Feeling depressed or anxious Not feeling pleasure from previous pleasurable experiences Feeling depressed or hopeless Having a low sex drive Trouble sleeping or having trouble sleeping
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Signs of a dopamine deficiency in the body can also be as follows:
Hand tremors or other tremors at rest, loss of balance or coordination, increased stiffness of muscles/legs, muscle cramps (symptoms of Parkinson’s disease) Restless legs syndrome: sleep disorder causing an intense urge to move. Has problems with short-term memory, managing daily tasks, and solving simple problems (symptoms of cognitive change) Has problems controlling anger, low self-esteem, is plagued by anxiety, is forgetful, impulsive, and lacks organizational skills, (symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder /ADHD) Social withdrawal, reduced emotionality, loss of pleasure (negative symptoms of schizophrenia) Gastrointestinal symptoms, including chronic constipation.
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There are many symptoms of dopamine deficiency. What you may experience depends on your underlying cause.
For example, the symptoms of dopamine deficiency associated with Parkinson’s disease will be different from those of schizophrenia.
If you experience the above complaints, the experts may do a dopamine level test and find out about all the symptoms and causes that you have.
With this information, your doctor will determine if you have any medical conditions associated with low dopamine levels.
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2023-07-04 00:30:00
#Signs #Dopamine #Deficiency #Body #Kompas.com