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Don’t worry about the causes of diabetes, change this so your chances are…

To achieve healthy living conditions, all efforts are required including medical treatment, prevention, having knowledge about it, and the like.

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that refers to insulin that can no longer work as it should gula What should be energy actually accumulates and causes various kinds of problems.

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The fact that until now there is no cure diabetes who is able to eliminate diabetes completely should be able to start making us all aware of the importance of implementing a healthy lifestyle.

Not a few people who find out the cause of diabetes itself, starting from excessive sugar consumption, rarely exercising, etc. which sometimes even makes them dizzy and even neglects the information.

Even though one important thing can be remembered as an easy way for you to recognize the cause of diabetes that might come your way. In fact, changing your lifestyle is a simple way to understand the causes of diabetes.

“Actually, the most important thing is our lifestyle. In this life, we seem to want to eat and drink well, but we have to remember that the food and drink contain a lot of sugar. In the end, because of this lifestyle, we often eat and drink sugar but do not exercise. .” Obviously dr. Prasna Pramitha SpPD, Internal Medicine Specialist, on Instagram live activity “HerTalk: No Descendants, Diabetes Can Still Attack?”Held by Herstory (10/11/21).

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Heredity Can’t Be Prevented?

One thing that is common knowledge of the community is that diabetes can also be caused by heredity.

The implication of this assumption is that if a person has hereditary factors, then diabetes cannot be prevented or the person has diabetes.

This assumption is not true. Prasna in the same activity explained that when a person has a hereditary factor of diabetes, it does not mean that he or she is definitely suffering from diabetes.

“No less important, people say heredity, but still when there is heredity but our lifestyle is good, we don’t necessarily get diabetes.” Prasna said.

He also re-emphasized that the many who contribute to diabetes is an unhealthy lifestyle.

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