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Don’t Want to Get Cough, Cold, and Flu During the Rainy Season? Consume these 5 ingredients

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Coughs, colds, and flu, diseases that often appear when the rainy season arrives. It’s a natural ingredient that is effective against colds, coughs, and colds.

Entering the beginning of the rainy season, the body becomes more susceptible to diseases such as coughs, colds, and flu.

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In fact, many people around us are sneezing or coughing. Viruses and bacteria are scattered in the air.

To anticipate that we will stay healthy in the midst of the cough, cold, and flu season, it is better to increase the frequency of hand washing.

In addition, also balance with nutritious intake. If necessary, prepare natural food ingredients to strengthen immunity or body resistance.

Launching Muscleandfitness.com and the South China Morning Post, here are 5 natural ingredients to fight coughs, colds and flu:

1. Garlic

This kitchen spice is effective at creating a powerful compound called allicin. When chewed, sliced, or chopped, these compounds will form components that are antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral.

Research also shows garlic can stimulate the immune system and act as an anti-inflammatory.

Another study found that people who took garlic supplements were less likely to catch colds, coughs and colds.

Even if you get the disease, the duration is shorter. In order to enjoy the maximum benefits of garlic, the recommended dose is one to two grams of fresh garlic, twice a day.

2. Guava, oranges, to papaya

Fruits rich in vitamin C such as guava, oranges, kiwi, papaya, strawberries, pineapple, and mango can strengthen the immune system.

Many people get a cough, cold, or flu when their body lacks vitamin C and the environment is unhealthy.

To get the maximum benefit from vitamin C, the recommended dose is 75 mg for women over 19 years. For some conditions, the dose may need to be increased.

3. Meat, fish, nuts

Foods such as lean meats, fish, shellfish, nuts, and mushrooms are rich in zinc.

Zinc can help the body be stronger against viruses and bacteria.

Like garlic, studies also show that foods rich in zinc are proven to make the time of flu, cough, or cold faster, compared to people who are deficient in zinc.

4. Bunga echinacea

Maybe you are wondering, how flowers can be consumed to ward off disease.

However, research shows that the natural ingredients in this flower can make the body less susceptible to disease.

It works by stimulating the immune system to produce natural cells to fight disease.

A 2015 study concluded that echinacea can reduce the risk of colds by up to 35%.

Echinacea is most effective when you start to feel an itchy feeling in the back of your throat.

Don’t worry, currently, there are many supplements with natural echinacea content on the market.

So, you don’t have to bother picking these flowers just to prevent the flu. However, the use of echinacea needs to be done with caution.

Because there are some people who experience allergic reactions such as itching after drinking it. People with autoimmune diseases are also not advised to take echinacea.

5. Ginger

These ingredients are a must in the kitchen. Besides being able to treat stomach pain, ginger can also maintain immunity in the rainy season.

How to consume it is also quite easy. We can add this spice to cooking, make drinks, or add to juices.

Ginger contains antimicrobial, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory properties.

But to note, limit the consumption of ginger for women who are pregnant. Consumption should not be more than two grams a day. (Mahardini Nur Afifah)

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This article has been published on Kompas.com with the title “5 Natural Kitchen Ingredients to Prevent Coughs, Colds, and Flu

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