Home » today » World » Don’t want to be told to continue taking medicine, overcoming stroke turns out to be just by drinking this leaf-decoction water, you didn’t know the loss from the first! – All Pages

Don’t want to be told to continue taking medicine, overcoming stroke turns out to be just by drinking this leaf-decoction water, you didn’t know the loss from the first! – All Pages

SajianSedap.com – Stroke is still a frightening specter for many people, especially those who are elderly.

This disease can attack anyone, to make part of the body paralyzed instantly.

Well this stroke can be caused by high blood sugar.

It is known that high blood sugar turns out to be at risk for causing heart attacks to strokes.

For how to deal with blood sugar, you don’t just use pharmacies, you know.

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Because there is a natural remedy to lower blood sugar only with boiled water from these leaves.

This natural remedy to lower blood sugar is suitable for those of you who do not like to take medicine.

We can also get natural ingredients for high blood sugar drugs easily and cheaply, you know.

Distance Leaves to Lower Blood Sugar

Yes, it is the boiled water of castor leaves which turns out to be able to overcome blood sugar that causes stroke.

Jatropha leaves are often one of the plants that can be used as traditional herbal medicines.

Jatropha leaves have been proven to cure various diseases in humans, one of which is to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Jatropha leaves can be used as a family medicinal plant.

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Illustration of castor leaf which turns out to be very effective in treating canker sores

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Plants with the characteristics of broad leaves and hollow stems, it turns out that it has many benefits for human health.

To be used as a medicinal plant, the parts of the jatropha plant that are used are leaves, fruit, seeds, and roots.

In addition, we also need to know some of the characteristics of high blood sugar.

Characteristics of High Blood Sugar

As is known, persistently high blood sugar levels can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and nerves.

People who are at risk of developing diabetes need to check their blood sugar levels regularly.

Launching Everyday Health, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) notes that a person is considered to have high blood sugar levels if:

Fasting or pre -meal blood sugar: above or at 126 mg/dL

Blood sugar two hours after eating: above or by 200 mg/dL

Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C): above or equal to 6.5

When blood sugar levels soar high, unfortunately many sufferers are not aware of the symptoms of the disease.

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Even so, there are actually many signs of high blood sugar that often make sufferers feel uncomfortable.

Reporting from Self, here are the characteristics of high blood sugar that you need to be aware of:

1. Weakness or fatigue

Easily tired is one of the early symptoms of high blood sugar which is quite common.

Weakness or fatigue is not only experienced by diabetics alone.

The article continues after the video below.

People without diabetes may also feel weak after consuming large amounts of simple carbohydrates such as sugar.

However, be aware if the feeling of weakness or fatigue appears continuously or greatly interferes with daily activities.

2. Frequent urination

When the blood sugar content is too high, the kidneys will automatically remove more sugar from the body. One way is by urinating.

Inevitably, people with high blood sugar urinate more often than in normal conditions.

3. Constant thirst

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How to control blood sugar of diabetics with banana heart.


How to control blood sugar of diabetics with banana heart.

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Constant thirst is an effect of frequent urination.

Because the body excretes a lot of fluids, the body practically becomes thirsty to code the body so as not to become dehydrated.

The more frequent urination, the thirst in people with high blood sugar is also more frequent.

4. Headache

Frequent urination plus thirst if ignored can trigger dehydration.

One of the symptoms of dehydration is headaches.

Indeed, headaches can be a symptom of many diseases or certain health problems.

But, you need to be careful if the headache is accompanied by several other characteristics of high blood sugar.

5. Blurred vision

High blood sugar levels can also affect the sense of vision and trigger blurred vision.

This condition is caused by excess sugar along with water being trapped in the lens in the center of the eye.

6. Nausea, vomiting, confusion

When the liver is unable to use blood sugar for energy, the body begins to break down fat as fuel instead.

This condition can sometimes make the blood acidic.

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Food for Nausea


Food for Nausea

Symptoms of this rare high blood sugar include nausea, vomiting, confusion, stomach pain, shortness of breath, and bad breath.

If you don’t get proper medical treatment right away, high blood sugar, which has entered the diabetic ketoacidosis phase, can have a fatal impact.

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7. Vulnerable to infection

High blood sugar levels if left untreated can gradually weaken the body’s immune response.

One of the effects, the body becomes difficult to fight infection, often gets infections, the infection does not go away, or the infection has a serious impact.

One of the infections that women with diabetes often experience is a yeast infection.

8. Wounds are hard to heal

Another symptom of high blood sugar is that the wound healing process becomes slower.

This condition is influenced by high blood sugar which interferes with blood flow, so that the circulatory system is disrupted.

9. Toothache

High blood sugar levels can also contaminate saliva to the blood.

This condition is prone to triggering the growth of bacteria, including in the mouth.

If these bad bacteria meet with food scraps and plaque, a person can be exposed to dental and oral disorders such as swollen gums, gingivitis, to cavities.

10. Often tingling hands and feet

Another sign of high blood sugar to watch out for is tingling hands and feet.

This condition is affected by nerve damage or neuropari due to high blood sugar levels.

If the above characteristics of high blood sugar appear, it’s a good idea to immediately consult a doctor.

Benefits of castor leaves to stabilize sugar levels.

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In order to feel these properties, you only need to consume boiled water from castor leaves on a regular basis.

The trick is to boil some castor leaves that have been washed clean.

After boiling and boiling, pour the water into a glass and wait until it warms up.

Jatropha leaf boiled water is very well consumed by diabetics so that their blood sugar does not increase.

This article has been published on Sripoku.com with the title Easy way to overcome stroke, just boil this leaf.

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