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Don’t use “Taiwan National Day”? Cao Xingcheng suffocated: when the Chinese Ma Ying-jeou bully the Taiwanese | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Reporter Chen Yijie / Taipei Report

▲ Cao Xingcheng angered Ma Ying-jeou.

Next Monday will be a national holiday and former president Ma Ying-jeou has asked that “Taiwan National Day” be no longer used as an English name for the national holiday. In this regard, Cao Xingcheng, the former president of the UMC, wrote angrily today through the media group: “May I ask the Chinese Ma Ying-jeou, how long will you bully the Taiwanese?” But the blood and sweat of the Taiwanese people!

Cao Xingcheng said that behind Ma Ying-jeou’s remarks, there is still the same set of “anti-independence” clichés: “the two sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to the same China and the territory is indivisible”. In the past Chiang and his son were more anti-independence than anti-communists, because if Taiwan became independent and not subordinate to China, they would no longer be able to “fight back the mainland and destroy the communist bandits”.

Cao Xingcheng pointed out that the only China that Taiwan and Chiang Kai-shek talked about was the Republic of China; the claim that the “People’s Republic of China” is illegal and that “Han and thieves cannot distinguish themselves” must be eliminated. The only China the CCP talks about is the People’s Republic of China, and the Republic of China will be destroyed. Therefore, “One China” is the oath of infighting between the two sides. What does this have to do with the people of Taiwan?

Cao Xingcheng believes that in the past the Kuomintang forced the Taiwanese people to participate in the civil war between the country and the Communist Party, allowing Taiwanese to spend half a century in military martial law and white terror; now Taiwan has become a democratic society envied by the Chinese people: “May I ask Ma Ying-jeou, why do you still use ‘One China’ or ‘One China Constitution’ to tie Taiwan to the powder keg of civil war?”

Cao Xingcheng said that today the Republic of China must avoid being wiped out by the other side. Of course, on the one hand, we must sing the two-state theory and avoid talking about “one China”; on the other, we must use “Taiwan” to replace the Republic of China. The necessary method, why do you object?

Cao Xingcheng asked: “You (referring to Ma Ying-jeou) talk about a China every day, indicating that you are a ‘Chinese’; may I ask you, Chinese, how long will you bully the Taiwanese?” The Taiwanese went to engage in the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the constitution that brought disaster to the Taiwanese. “You Chinese, you are not helping the Taiwanese to get rid of this regulation that harms the Taiwanese, but you insist that this regulation harms the Taiwanese; do you still have a moral conscience?”

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