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Don’t underestimate these symptoms because it could be silent heart attack

Not everyone knows that the signs of a heart attack manifest themselves in different ways in men and women. Furthermore, from the age of 50, a heart attack is fatal for women, unlike men. Recognizing the symptoms, therefore, saves our lives. That is why these symptoms should not be underestimated because it could be silent heart attack.

The best known symptom of heart attack

If we were asked how to recognize a heart attack, we would undoubtedly answer by indicating what is the most classic symptom of heart attack. That is, severe pain in the chest.

Not everyone knows, however, that a heart attack does not manifest itself in this only way. There are in fact other warning symptoms and knowing them can certainly save lives.

How the signs of silent heart attack manifest themselves

It can happen that you have a heart attack without realizing it. This type of heart attack is called “silent”. There are symptoms, we feel discomfort in our body, but we don’t give them importance. We absolutely do not think they are the warning signs of a heart attack. Recognizing these symptoms, therefore, is of paramount importance.

Don’t underestimate these symptoms because it could be silent heart attack

A heart attack for a woman from the age of 50 is most likely fatal. Instead for humans it is less risky. It’s not just the only difference. In fact, the symptoms of heart attack for men and women, too they are a little different, according to research by McGill University Health Centre. But we see here those of the silent heart attack, the one that goes unnoticed.

Various symptoms occur, which are often confused with signs of stress. There is a kind of pressure in the chest, accompanied by pain in the arm. Or even a kind of burning in the pit of the stomach. Cold sweats follow, accompanied by nausea and dizziness. Shortness of breath and shortness of breath. For example, if pushing the vacuum cleaner causes breathlessness, when it ordinarily does not, then a check is necessary.

When any of these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical attention or go to the emergency room.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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